Chapter Three | (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

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"Okay, what do you think? And don't sugarcoat shit, I need you to be brutally honest." Carly gave a little twirl as she showed me the shiny, purple dress she was trying on.

The winter dance was in two weeks and we were spending our Friday afternoon in the mall, trying on dresses. Or rather Carly was; I didn't even have a date, so I thought it would be pointless if I tried on any.

I was keeping busy by sitting on a stool and flipping through People magazine, waiting for Carly to finally make up her mind on a dress.

I glanced up at her, where she was waiting for my opinion on the dress. "It's great, purple really suits you," I mumbled, going back to reading an article about Kim Kardashian.

She sighed and I could feel her glare. "You say that every single dress! I need your help here!"

I laughed. Ever since she got a boyfriend a few months ago Carly's turned into such a girly girl; gushing about him 24/7 and doing everything she can to please him. I hid my smile when I saw she was still glaring at me. It seemed everyone was in a relationship but me; even our friend Brandon had a boyfriend!

Carly was still standing over there, looking down indecisively at the dress she wore. Sighing, I got up and walked over to the pile of dresses she tossed aside. I pulled out a long, silky, red one, which had looked amazing on her. "Get this one. Red is your color, and i'm not just saying that."

She smiled, looking pleased with my choice, "Okay! I actually loved that one from the start!"

"Good, now you can pay for it and we can go."

"Shouldn't you get a dress? Someone is definitely going to ask you by the time the dance comes around."

My eyes widened at the thought of spending even more time in this store, surrounded by racks of dresses. "Oh no, we need to buy your dress, then get the hell out of here!" I started yanking her towards the checkout counter, leaving behind her pile of dresses for some poor employee to clean up.


My blissful sleep the next morning was ruined by none other than Lauren. After demanding that I get a ride to her house as fast as I could, I arrived and she declared that the only reason I rushed over was so we could watch a new movie that just came out on DVD, called "The Fault In Our Stars".

I plopped onto her couch, pulling the blanket off the back of it and snuggling it around me. "Are your parents still asleep?"

She looked back at me from where she was putting in the movie, "No they went out to brunch and then shopping, so they won't be back for a few hours."

I nodded, "Oh. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then see what you got for snacks, don't start it without me."

She gave me a thumbs up and took my spot on the couch as I left, tapping on her phone. Knowing her she was probably texting Tyler.

I used the downstairs bathroom and was closing the door behind me as I left when I smacked into something.

My heart involuntarily started pounding as I realized that I hadn't just smacked into "something"; it was Trent.

I looked up into Trent's eyes, but then my eyes immediately flitted downward, distracted by the fact that he was wearing nothing but grey sweatpants, with the waistline of his boxers peeking up from under them. My eyes traveled over his chest and defined stomach, and my face heated up when I realized what I was doing.

I bit my lip in embarrassment and met his eyes; he was smiling cockily.

"You okay there, partner?" he chuckled.

Our bodies were centimeters away from touching so I took a step back: a fatal mistake that caused my back to hit the wall, trapping me in front of him.

He smiled and ran a hand through his hair. Once again, I let myself become distracted as I studied him. His hair was wild and unkempt, probably from his sleep.

He cleared his throat.

I met his eyes again and scrambled for an excuse, "Sorry I'm still half asleep, I just got up." I faked a yawn.

He raised an eyebrow and studied me up and down, "Really now?"

I gulped as I remembered I got fully dressed and ready before coming over; I was now wearing skinny jeans, brown ankle boots, and a white sweater. I had even brushed my hair and added some lip gloss, which only made my lie even more pathetic.

I laughed nervously because I couldn't think of anything to say, and slipped out from between him and the wall. I started to walking away. I was well aware of his body heat right behind me as he followed me down the hall and into the kitchen. Nervously, I leaned against the counter for a minute.

He walked past me and opened the fridge, taking the jug of milk and drinking straight out of it. I wrinkled my nose. "That's disgusting, you know," I muttered.

Turning around and looking straight at me, he titled his head back and took another chug.

I rolled my eyes and went to open their snack cabinet, which was right next to their fridge. As fast as I could, I grabbed a mini bag of Doritios. I really, really wanted a can of Dr. Pepper but Trent's very shirtless body was still blocking the fridge as he ransacked through it, inches away from me. Oh well, it was probably unhealthy to drink soda so early in the morning anyway.

Luckily, he didn't say anything more as I grabbed my chips and practically ran back to the living room. My heart was pounding in my chest as I replayed what just happened over in my head, and Lauren looked over at me skeptically.

"God finally you're back, I've been dying to start this movie. Let the tears begin!"

I laughed, "Okay then. play the movie!"


"I swear to god, if you pull my hair again, I'm going to kill you," I said, grinding my teeth as I sent a deadly glare to Trent.

It was the following Monday and we were supposed to be working on our project, but really I was doing all the work while Trent messed with me.

"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, raising his hands in surrender, "How am I supposed to resist though, your hair is so shiny!"

I fought off the blush that was threatening to stain my cheeks from his words, and tried not to focus on the fact that he was leaning in so close to me.

"Just make yourself useful and help me think of a good way we could make our video."

"I have no idea, but let me know when you think of something. Meanwhile, I'll be over here if you need me."

He got up and sat in a desk a few rows away next to a slim brunette, who immediately perked up and focused a gleaming smile on him.

I rolled my eyes at what a shameless player he was, and turned back to work on our project.

This went on for a few minutes before Mr. Moss cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the class.

"Well everyone, I hope you've been utilizing this past week of class time I've given you to work on this project, because today is the last day."

My eyes widened.

"The rest of your project will be completed outside the classroom, and the I've made a small change, it is now due the Friday before winter break."

The whole class let out loud groans and complaints, and this time I joined in. This means I was gonna have to spend a lot of time with Trent.



Hey guys!
Sorry if this chapters not that great, it's kind of a filler chapter.
But I hope you liked it anyway, and the next update's gonna be ALOT sooner!
Please vote/comment if you enjoyed it, I appreciate every one of you!

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