32 | His Secret Will Be The End

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TW: torture scene+ Dirty talk throughout

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TW: torture scene
Dirty talk throughout.

Chapter dedicated to Hadleigh. saintlynights I just
want to say that this lovely human
makes me the happiest person ever.
Thank you for giving up your time to
read my writing. The sweet words you treat
me to make me jsjsjsjdjdkrkr. You are so precious, kind, and sincere; you must be protected at all costs.


"Kill her."

I looked at Catalina's hopeless eyes as she nodded and pulled the gun in my hand to her head, her actions showing no sign of hesitance.

"Kill her, boy!"

"I- I can't," I weakly let out. How could I kill the love of my life? How could I kill the girl of my dreams? I couldn't. I wouldn't.

"It's either her or Francesca."

My sister sat across the room, her attached and perfectly in place. She sat in her seat as if she was a puppet, her bodily eerily in perfect posture and a doll-like smile on her face. The expression of disappointment she held was something I couldn't shake, however.

Once I saw her living body across the room and her head shaking in disapproval, as if she could read my thoughts, I pulled the trigger.

"...Enzo! Come on, wake up."

With a gasp, I opened my eyes and sighed at the sight of her face directly in front of mine.

"You're— fuck, you're alive." The sense of relief I felt at the fact that I hadn't murdered her made me want to cry out in relief. She's not dead. She was alright and in my arms, just like she should be.

Catalina dryly chuckled, as if she was trying to comprehend what was happening. "Of course i'm alive. You're okay, come on, take some deep breaths." Closing my eyes, I focused on the feeling of her hands cradling my face and the way her thumbs sweetly brushed against my cheeks.

"You're okay, baby. I'm okay, you're okay, we're both alright," she softly spoke, her words coming to my ear as a gentle and comforting whisper.

I pulled Catalina to rest on top of my body and wrapped my arms around her as I placed a multitude of kisses all over the crown of her head.

"Wanna talk about it?" She lifted her head and brushed my hair out of the way with her cool fingers. I let out a sigh of satisfaction; the simple presence of her made me relax.

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