42 | Femme Fatale

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6 months later,

"You're the cutest little baby in the world," I cooed at the one year old girl that was squishing my face with her little hands.

She was waiting for her little sister to tidy her things together since ballet class was over. Her mother had fallen asleep on one of the chairs and I feel too bad to wake her, seeing the obvious signs of her being worn out from having two little girls to handle all on her own.

What a strong woman.

"Miss Cat! I'm done! I have all my things," Aurora has rushed up to me all giddy and excited, her little arms hugging around my thighs as she told me how I smelled liked a unicorn bakery.

Kids are so cute, their imaginations are absolutely delusional. I don't even know what a unicorn bakery is.

"Good girl, Aurora," I smile at her while I shift her baby sister to the side of my hip, "Do you think we should wake mommy up now?" A frown coats my lips at the sight of their worn out mom, the bun on her head all tangled and messy.

"Mommy is sleeping, can we spend more time with you, please Miss Cat?!" She practically begs at my feet that are clad in ballet slippers and grey leg warmers.

I don't even think before I answer her, "Of course you can, silly girl."

I had grown fond of this family over the past few months that I started working at the ballet studio.

Aurora continues showing off how flexible she's gotten and I praise her for her hard work and commitment to ballet— she was definitely going to go far.

It's something I wish I would have had the opportunity to do, but my heart was blooming at the thought of another little girl succeeding in something I had dreams of doing.

"Oh my!" I hear the frantic gasp of their mother coming from the corner of the studio before she scurries over to us, profuse apologizes leaving her lips.

My face cheeks had grown pink, not knowing why she had felt so bad when I had no problem with taking care of her girls. She was so tired and I understood her exhaustion, despite not having kids— it's hard when you have to do everything all on your own. I was more than happy to lend a helping hand.

Especially for such cute little angels.

"You know, Catalina, why don't you come over for dinner later Friday? The girls would love to have you and Jakob is coming back home from Russia, you could get to know him better!" She sounded all too excited at her invitation, her Russian accent growing thick, something that prevented me from having the will to say no.

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