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Just as the sun seemed to touch the ocean, Odair walked up to me. His hands holding so much fish that I felt my nose crinkle up. All that time in the water he was fishing?!?

He dropped it next me with a smirk. "A thank you would be nice".

I clicked my tongue in annoyance at his attitude but muttered out a small "thanks".

He shrugged. "No worries. I'd ask you to make a fire but I know that's a lost cause".

I frowned. "So, that's why you wanted to come here. For food?".

He smirked. "We've gone more than twenty-four hours without food. I mean, this is the hungergames after all".

I couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped me. The worst joke I've probably ever heard but still...there was something about Liam that brought you in. Like a tide you can't resist being pulled into. Too bad we hate each other. 

He shot me a wink and indicated to the many sticks in his hands. "Here, watch". 

I felt myself lean in to observe the way his hands expertly crafted a fire in under a minute. He nodded at his own work and shot me a smirk.

I clicked my tongue but I was grateful that between the two of us, one knows basic survival skills. I thought for sure he'd make fun of me for not knowing anything but he seems oddly calm here on the beach. I rolled my eyes. Oh course he is, like the 74th door. This one resembles his district just as mine was represented in that forest.

He's comfortable here. While I'm sweating, fearing somehow drowning and the trees provide little branches in which to hide. I'd more so be climbing for the sake of climbing. Therefore I hate this arena.

I tried not to think about my drying mouth. I rubbed my neck as I watched Liam start to cook the fish. "You know we can't stay here, right? We'll die from dehydration".

He shrugged. "Well we can't go back. It'll take us hours to find water in the seventy-fourth arena. Plus, it's getting dark".

I frowned and shook my head. "I don't know how much longer we go without it. I'm literally considering drinking the ocean at this point.".

He looked up from his fish and shot me a pointed look. "Here's an idea, how about you don't do that".

I tusked. "Funny".

He smirked and went back to cooking the fish. Obviously this isn't the first time he's made a meal from scratch on a beach. I'm guessing unlike Johanna, Finnick bothered to teach him more than just tridents. 

I sighed in boredom and lied down on the sand while the smell of fried fish wafted around me. My eyes stayed on the palm trees as they swayed lightly in the hot wind. It is a very pretty sight, especially next to the setting sun. The sky ablaze of red and orange.

Liam cleared his throat and indicated to the two pieces of fish he'd neatly put on a leaf. He didn't say anything before picking at a piece. I sat up and stared down at fish in trepidation. We don't have the luxury of seafood in District Seven. It's a delicacy from a district too far away and reserved for the Capitol. I guess if Johanna ever wanted it she could have it, but I was always responsible for my own meals back home. 

I bit my lip and hesitatingly took a small piece in my fingers. I stared at the white meat that despite being white meat didn't have the same texture of chicken. I met Liam's annoyed sea green eyes. "Does it taste like chicken?".

He sniggered. "No its fish. You're telling me Victoria Mason has never had fish before?".

I frowned. "It's not exactly available in my district".

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