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HANK SIGHS AND HE sounds like the guilt of the world rests on his shoulders, "Christ... Look at them all. They get used till they break, then they get tossed out..."

You slowly walk around the warehouse, studying the rows and rows of deactivated Androids. They stand in lines, either waiting to be thrown out or for their parts to be reused. At first, you don't understand why Connor seems upset. But Hank's words make sense to you.

Of course they pity the Androids. It makes sense.

After all, they look human, sound human, and act human -- for the most part -- so seeing an Android being thrown out after it's no longer useful must be hard for them.

"People are fucking insane..." Hank complains. You can hear a sense of irony in his voice. "They don't want relationships anymore, everybody just gets an android. They cook what you want, they screw when you want, you don't have to worry about how they feel."

When you look over at the Lieutenant and Connor, you notice that Connor is frowning, silently.

"Next thing you know, we're gonna be extinct, because everybody would rather buy a piece of plastic than love another human being... Beats me..."

Connor clears his throat quietly, "Maybe... Maybe it's because not everyone sees Androids as pieces of plastic. Maybe, uh... Ah, I don't know. I guess you're right, Hank. We're a pretty stupid species, huh?"

You stare at them for a moment longer, curious but unable to find the words to ask the questions you feel you should.

And, after a few beats of silence pass, you turn back to the group of Androids and study them closely. There are a few blue-haired Traci models in this group and you study them closely. On the ground are faint traces of blue-blood.

It must've gone here.

You look up at the group again and watch them. Finally, one stands out to you... Although most of the Androids in this part are deactivated, with clear LEDs, a couple have bright blue LEDs. This one, however, has a fearful orange LED and blue hair.

Just as you open your mouth to tell Connor and Hank, a different Traci model with short brown hair turns around and pounces on you fiercely.

You're momentarily stunned as she pushes you into a metal pole.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Hank appears by your side and raises his gun at the Traci currently tackling you, "Don't move!"

His words are cut off when the blue-haired Traci tackles him, too... And he drops his gun on the ground. You struggle against your attacker, your hands clawing at her synthetic hair as she tries to slam your head against the pole.

She's brutal-

You hear Connor pulling the Deviant off Hank but you're too focused on throwing the Traci off you and onto the ground to see if they're okay.

She trips you onto the ground and straddles your waist, her arms raised and ready to slam against your face. You catch her arm and writhe from beneath her but instead of giving up, she grabs a screwdriver from off the ground and tries to drive it into your eye.

You gasp and shove her off you with all the strength you can muster. Your systems are starting to overheat and your LED flashes a startling yellow color.

The two of you leap up and off the ground and she swipes your cheek with the screwdriver. Small droplets of thirium splatter the air as you dodge her second attack and manage to move behind her and grab her by the back of her neck.

ANGELEYES, dbh connorWhere stories live. Discover now