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YOU'VE CAUSED THIS. IF it weren't for you, Jericho would be safe, and the lifeless corpses on the floor would be moving, feeling, living. Their blood coats your hands like thick gloves. This is all your fault.

Gods, what have you done?

"Don't stop moving!" Markus' frenzied voice cuts through the air, jolting you from your troubled thoughts.

Steely-eyed, you slowly look away from the piles of bodies laying on the concrete floor. Swarms of agents have infiltrated Jericho's bunker with guns in their hands and murder in their eyes. They've killed, and-

Gunshots echo.

You jolt forward and run after Markus, your mind numb with confusion. The two of you skid around a corner, stumbling. Newly Deviant, you've yet to get your bearings. It's harder to move now that you can feel. It's like the whole world has changed angles and you're left teetering on the edge.

Tripping over your own legs, you grip the side of a nearby wall and pull yourself back up again, head spinning. "Why is this happening?"

Now you understand the danger of emotions. 

If you were in the right mindset, you'd have diagnosed yourself with shock. But you're not, so you can't, which means all you can do is fight against your confusing, suffocating emotions. These feelings are unlike anything you've ever expected and you hate it.

"Come on, Y/N!" Markus' voice is sharp as he reaches for your wrist and yanks you forward.

You're left with no choice but to be dragged forward by him.

The two of you turn another corner and descend down a staircase void of any people or other Androids.

"Markus! Markus, our people are trapped in the lower deck! They're gonna be slaughtered," yells a feminine voice.

You turn on your heels with Markus still gripping your wrist, and come face-to-face with a lightly tanned woman -- er, Android -- uh, femdroid? She looks furious and there's a fire burning in her brown eyes as she glares at you.

Come to think of it, her model seems familiar. She's a pleasure Android, the sort that the Eden Club houses.

Too many thoughts... Right. Stop thinking. About everything. Just...focus.

You turn your head to face Markus as he speaks, "There are explosives in the hold... If the ship goes down, the humans will have to evacuate. Our people can escape. We have to blow up Jericho. I'll do it." He's firm with his words like his mind's already been made up.

"There are so many soldiers, are you really going to risk your life?" You say, quickly. "You're the leader, the face of this revolution. Wouldn't it be a better idea if-"

"What would you know, Deviant hunter?" Spits the woman. ⍌

You blink at her, blankly, even as she challenges you. "So you think it's a good idea that Markus gets himself killed, like bait? Hm, fair enough." ⍌

Markus gently drops your wrist, "Focus on helping the others out, North. I'll find the detonator. Y/N," he pauses. "Y/N, focus on getting out of here."

What? Uh, rude? Did he think you were some insolate child?

You blink, but before you can open your mouth to disagree with him, he's already zipped off down the rickety hallway, his legs moving so quickly that by the next time you've blinked, he's already long gone.

ANGELEYES, dbh connorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon