Chapter 14

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Thirteen days left


It was the crack of dawn when I finally left Eddie's apartment building. He set up a meeting with a firearms dealer for me in a few hours but I decided to first visit my mother. Partly because I felt obligated to make sure she was doing alright. Mostly though because in order to actually purchase the gun, I needed money.

Not having a steady job or income left my bank account quite empty. The shame of that stung my ego slightly but throughout my life I was getting quite skilled at managing the small, insignificant pain. The big, overpowering pain, however, was still unbearable.

The fuel gauge of my car was already indicating that I was running low on gas. Something I would be forced to fix quite soon if I wanted to make it to the apartment building the call was made from.

Eddie printed out a map for me, as well as sending it to me on my phone. On the map, a red cross indicated my destination clearly. He gave it to me with a quick "Don't die on me, man."

Sitting in my chilly car, I ran a hand over my face, hoping it would wake me up slightly. My entire body felt sore, my mind felt like a fuse blew. Managing to wrap my mind around what actually happened and working on finding Aria took a toll and me physically and mentally. The nightmares I endured only added to my already high level of anxiety, especially because I couldn't quite decipher their meaning.

Regardless, I started the motor and it rumbled before fully starting. Driving off into the pitch black morning, I sent up a quick prayer that today would be at least somewhat fruitful. Asking Gregg for money felt like running to him with my tail tucked between my legs after the way the dinner ended the other day but the alternative was even more desperate.

When I got there, I was relieved that the light inside was lit, meaning I didn't have to wake anyone up.

I let out a deep breath and gathered all the courage I had to offer and carefully rang the doorbell. My stomach was bubbling with anxiety, fearing that I would be turned away immediately, leaving me with no other option but to go to the apartment without protection.

Luckily, after a couple of moments, Gregg opened the door slightly and peeked outside. His tired face lit up with recognition and he welcomed me inside. Welcomed in the poorest sense of the word. Without a word, he pointed me to the living room, where I could already see the silhouette of my mother, curled up on the couch in her nightgown.

Sympathy filled me and my heart cracked with guilt for not reaching out to her sooner.

When she looked up to me, her eyes appeared to be void of any emotion. When The Solemn Serpent robbed her of Aria, he also robbed her of all her joy, joy she had worked so hard to regain after my Dad's passing.

"How are you mother?" I asked as a feeble attempt to offer comfort.

She nodded slightly, her tears stained cheeks sagged with fatigue. Then she reached out a shaky hand to me and I took hold of it whilst sitting down next to her. Gregg was now sitting on the cream armchair to my right. His eyes were tired but his focus was still sharp, analyzing my every motion. It made me wonder what he did for a living. Whatever it was, it made him a shrewd and detective man.

Not knowing what else to talk about, I decided to get straight to the point.

"I came to ask for your help. Both of you," I clarified to them, glancing between them to feel out their reaction.

"Help with what, boy?" Gregg asked genuinely curious to hear my response.

"Help with finding Aria," I finally stated with a certain gravity.

At that, both of them straightened. Their interest was now peaked and Gregg shifted in the armchair.

"I knew you wouldn't just sit around and wait, Jacob. You were never one for waiting," mother exclaimed with a deep relief. Suddenly, I was the son she knew and loved so deeply. Suddenly all the years of abandonment and disappointment were forgotten. The realisation that she cared so much for Aria than she ever did for me stung but I digested it quickly.

"I can't go into any of the details right now, and I need you to keep this to yourselves, but I might be close to finding out who took her."

My statement hung in the air, surprise evident on both of their faces.

"What can we do?" Gregg seemed like he would do just about anything to get Aria back. For that I respected him.

"To be honest," I let out an embarrassed chuckle and said, "I need money."

Without asking for any specifics, Gregg got up with a low grunt and left the living room.

My mothers eyes filled with tears once more and she batted her eyelashes at me, saying, "You do anything to find her, Jacob. Please, I need her back, okay?"

My throat tightened in sorrow. Her words sent another sting of pain through me, partly because I wanted to do as she wished, partly because she never cared for me this way.

Gregg swiftly returned but indicated for me to follow him out of the room. His eye contact was intense and made shivers run down my spine.

Swiftly, I did as he wanted and he then handed me a thick envelope. When I took it, I felt the weight of the responsibility, for this clearly was not just blind support. This was tied with the expectancy of finding Aria.

"You do everything you can, boy." He stared at me, giving every single word a heavy meaning.

I said my goodbyes and was on my way once more.

This time, however, I was carrying an even heavier burden, a burden I was uncertain I could bear. With my makeshift courage, I drove through town. Buying a gun seemed like a bizarre prospect for a Wednesday morning.

I still had a few hours left and so I filled up the tank of my car and sat in a diner near the agreed location.

Outside, the sun was rising, painting the ordinary streets of Carlisle in a dazzling glow.

Beauty meant nothing to me, knowing that Aria was in the dark somewhere, suffering and hoping that I would rescue her soon.

"Just a little while longer," I called out to her in my mind. Truthfully, I feared that it might be longer than anticipated until I could make true on my promise. I feared that my pure incapibility to function correctly could be my downfall.


Thank you so much for reading! I'd like to give a personal shoutout to @SkittishReflections for commenting and voting so diligently. Your feedback and loyalty means so much to me and I am so happy that you are enjoying this story :)

I'd you'd like to get a shoutout at the end of the next chapter, make sure to keep reading, voting, commenting and sharing. It really does help a lot. Have a great day and God bless.

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