author's note

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And we have come to the end of the sequel...

I honestly can't thank you guys enough for how much support there is for this series. Putting WHO WE WERE out into the world was a total gamble but I wouldn't change a thing. The support you guys have given me for this story and these characters is absolutely insane and it keeps me going every single day <3

 If you would have told me a year ago I would've finished writing and posting two books I would have laughed. WHAT WE BECOME is one that I felt came more naturally to me. The story felt like it was already there and I'd already had the idea when I first started writing WHO WE WERE. 

I love love love that you guys have connected with the story just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Remember to follow me on socials for all updates, my handle is now @italiceize on everything!

And of course, Ben and Em's story isn't over yet.

I guess the only question left is where we go with it?

What We Become | Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now