Chapter 5 - "Because I'm extremely smart."

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"Okay, next we have to..." Heather said.

Donovan didn't even look over, instead slid a glass container across the table.

"Add 2 milligrams of this," he said.

His table partner hesitated, glancing from the glass to him. But Donovan wasn't paying attention to her, instead he scrolled through Miguel's social media, gathering intel. Brock had confirmed it. The Alvarez family had moved to the East Coast and Miguel attended Hamilton Prep. As Donovan gleaned information off of the photos, he slowly started to form a plan.

"Next is..."

Donovan pushed two different chemicals to her, already measured out.

"Combine these slowly and stir them until they blend."

Heather stared at him. "How can you know this? You're not even focusing on the project?"

"Because I'm extremely smart."

"You can't do all these calculations in your head," she argued.

In answer, Donovan lifted up a piece of paper and handed it to her, still looking at his phone.

"I did them while Miller explained what the project would be."

Gaping, Heather took the paper. Donovan sensed Heather's emotions undergoing a shift as she slowly lowered the paper. He wasn't looking forward to it, so he decided to cut it off before it could start.

"Not worth it," he said. "You'd have a better chance with someone like Mitch Wylin."

Heather stared at him. "Mitch Wylin?"

"I'm guessing from your skeptical tone that you don't think Mitch is worth your time because he doesn't match you on level of attractiveness." Finally, Donovan looked at her. "Looks fade, Heather. A year out of high school 75% of the guys you know will have gained twenty pounds, from not having to constantly work out in PE and from drinking beer. The other 25% will grow bigger egos because they have retained their fitness. So find someone caring, who will love you for who you are, not how you look."

Stunned, Heather only managed to stare at Donovan, completely lost for words. Donovan went back to his previous task, knowing she'd be catatonic for awhile. When she eventually managed to form thoughts again, she turned away from Donovan, choosing to say nothing.

He had no idea if what he'd said made any difference to her. She was still in high school, after all, dating a hot guy still ranked high on her list of expectations. He wondered if she'd ever see beyond that, but realized it was not his problem.

Right now his problem was Miguel and how to handle the whole situation.

Suddenly, a white light flashed inside the classroom, burning Donovan's eyes and blinding him. Cries of panic and shock exploded in the room.

"What was that?"

"I can't really see!"

"What happened!"

"Was it lightning?"

Donovan jerked upwards, grabbing his textbook, ready to wield it as a weapon. He knew what that light was, he'd gone through too many training courses not to know a flashbang when he saw it.

But he didn't hear the shattering of glass, the yell of men, or the rapid-fire of gunshots. Blinking, willing his vision to come back, he slowly sat back down, letting go of his makeshift weapon. When his eyes cleared, he looked directly at Carter, knowing that was only one person in the classroom who was likely to cause this sort of trouble.

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