Chapter 29 - "Am I interrupting something?"

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Will you please stop screaming, yes it's the party that they go to with Maddy. Jeez, breathe. You're likely to give yourself a heart attack.


Donovan stared at the ascending numbers of the elevator, trying to ignore the way Carter's arm was occasionally brushing his. She looked just as good as she had for the double date, wearing a pair fitted jeans, a t-shirt, and leather jacket. It was an ensemble - unlike the wrinkled uniform she normally wore - that seemed to show her true personality; strong, intimidating, and beautiful.

"So pretty much everyone from school will be here so it will be fun!" Maddy said, her voice growing in volume and excitement as the box climbed.

At the comment, Carter looked to Donovan and he looked back. In that small glance, he knew what she was thinking and had a similar thought. Pounding music reached them a second before the elevator stopped and the doors slid open.

There were only two apartments on the top floor of the building and Maddy guided the group to the one on the left. She opened it and a wall of noise crashed into them.

Groups of familiar students crowded the apartment. At the center of the living room, couches and chairs had been pushed aside and people were dancing in the open space. Red cups filled hands and dotted the polished wood floor. Off to the right was a large kitchen that acted as Grand Central station, people always walking through and briefly stopping for drinks or food. Past the living was a balcony that lined the whole apartment and showcased parts of D.C. all lit up for the night.

Upon entrance, Maddy spotted some of her friends and waved eagerly to them. Her excitement was matched and an onslaught of girls came rushing over. As Donovan surveyed the typical party scene a thin arm came out of nowhere and slid around his neck. Checking his response to instantly break the limb, he looked over to find a girl in a tight and revealing shirt pressed against him.

"Want a drink?" she asked, her lips moving close to his ear.

Her breath already held the smell of alcohol and her eyes were one drink away from losing focus.

"Sure," Carter said, drawing the girl's attention. "Though don't make it whatever you're having because it seems like its doing serious damage to your brain cells."

Donovan laughed, knowing the rejection would detach the girl's arm from around his neck without him having to do it himself. Looking between them, the girl glared and stormed off as Donovan kept laughing. The second she was out of sight, he stopped.

"Being humiliated is one of the strongest defenses against people," Carter said.

Donovan smirked. "You say that like I'm not aware of this fact and like you don't know that's exactly why I laughed."

Carter shrugged. "I know. I just felt like saying it."

"Link, let's get something to drink," Maddy said.

At the announcement, both Carter and Donovan looked over to see Maddy navigating her way to the kitchen. Donovan waited a beat before starting to follow. Carter reached out a hand and grabbed his arm. He looked back at her.

"I have a better plan than you playing puppy dog tonight," she said.

Donovan cocked one challenging eyebrow, trying not to pull an insult from the comment. "Puppy dog?"

"Because you would be dogging them like a puppy. Now, come on."

Without explaining where she was going, she wound her way through groups. Hesitating for a breath, Donovan went after her, avoiding meeting eyes with the girls that were already ahead in the drinking department. Carter pushed open the door to the balcony and stepped out, Donovan right behind.

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