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There's no response from the readers even if it's only a few. Don't be a silent reader, you won't know how satisfying it is to comment on the lines until you try it!


Justin's POV

Hope pulled me forward into the classroom, making me shiver when the air-conditioner blew on me from above. She manually guided me through what I was sure, tables, until she reached her stop and helped me take my bag off.

"Here's your seat." I found it. "And make sure to keep your bag next to your table. I'll tell Mrs. Rose and she'll be here to help you. You just need to raise your hand. Got it?" I nodded, looking her way. "Stay here after the bell rings, I'll take you to history, yeah?" I nodded again, feeling so grateful I had a sister like her. "Alright then. I have science and it's all the way up on the other side of the building. I'll see you soon. Love you."

I felt her peck my cheek before I was lonely all again. I turned back to face the front, already having the recorder in my hand, fingers hovering over the most important buttons for the day.

"Alright, everyone, settle down will you?!"

That voice startled me that I dropped my recorder. It made a sound, but it wasn't that loud compared to the students around. I patted the table, ignoring my folded cane, sighing when the recorder was in my hands again.

"Good morning to everyone, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. For the new comers who decided that they'd take the first week of school off and add it to their holidays, I welcome you. My name is Amanda Rose, you can call me Mrs. Rose. Since it's your last year, I'll be your English teacher for it because Mrs. Tress is busy with the freshman."

There was a pause and I heard a few rustle of papers. I was close to the teacher's table. I should've known that Hope would make me sit at the front.

"With that, I'd also like to introduce you to a new student. His name is Justin Fisher. Yes, he's the brother of our famous, obnoxious Miss. Fisher's, who left a name when she finished school. Justin," she called out. Looking down at table because I honestly didn't know where to, I waited for her instructions. "Could you raise your hand please." She knew about my disability. "Tell us about yourself."

I cleared my throat, keeping my hand up. "My name is Justin Fisher and I'm blind. I was homeschooled until then. Thought I'd have a shot at making friends before going to college."

There wasn't a single noise as from before. Everyone was quiet and for a second, I thought that they'd left. That was until Mrs. Rose spoke again.

"Well then, I'm sure you'll find your set of people in Wales High."

"Aren't people like him supposed to be with the deaf and disable people? That's his set of group."

It hurt. I didn't know who or where the suggestion came from, but it still made me feel shit about myself. It's not like I asked for it. His thought didn't last long though, because the others around started to whisper and hiss at him for being rude.

"Aiden Guess, guess what mister, detention for you."


"That's right, there's no discussion to this. I hope everyone understands how important it is on how you use your mouth. I will not tolerate such childish behavior in my class and this will be the result for everyone. I hope that's clear. Now, get your books out, we're going to go through your syllabus before we get to an activity."

I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a book, couldn't anyways because they didn't have braille ones. Mum had told me that they'd worked out a way for me to learn without the need for one but I didn't know what was going to happen.

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