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Justin's POV

It's been almost a month since school started. Everything went as smooth as they can. Hope gave me the space I needed and stayed with me at home. Mum became more relaxed when she realized that nothing went wrong with me going and I was actually showing improvement with family activities. I tried, since they do so too.

At school, Mike was there. All the time.

He didn't leave me alone even for a second. Well, maybe for a few seconds but he was there whenever I needed to talk. I still found it tough to walk around the hallways but he kept telling me that it's okay, since it's crowded and all. I used the elevator some times and Mike would come along, since I couldn't really push the buttons on my own. I got around to my seat myself.

Twice though, I'd thought that my seat was where it always is only to fall and find out, one of the students took it. The first time, someone did it by accident since they'd forgotten. The second time, it was Aiden, the guy who questioned my disability on the first day of school.

Mike took him down.

It was the talk of the school. Hope hated it. She made me not talk to him for two days but couldn't really hold it off when we had classes and English. I have to listen to his voice if I wanted to pass the subject.

Not that I didn't like it. I like it a little too much, I think.

Whenever he gives a new recording, I already have that feeling of knowing how he's going to sound each words as they go. It made the whole book more entertaining.

I also think he noticed that. Because he talked more, telling me about his friends, family and his favorite things. Most of it was about Lara, his younger sister. I really wanted to meet her. I wondered every time, how would she react to me? A blind person.

Today's classes were the same. English was my favorite and maths was next, since I got a break from my speeding heart and shaking hands. I make sure not to let anyone know about how nervous I get when I'm with Mike and keep stiff. The guy himself noticed and continued to tell me to relax and not worry. He thought that I was worried I'd get lost or something. 

I didn't correct him.

The final bell rang for the day, Hope at my side in a few minutes while Mike went to say goodbye to his girlfriend. Yes, Mike had a girlfriend.

When I first found out, it was unsettling. This guy, someone so sweet and caring, had a girlfriend. Would she be nice, or stuck up? Was she another Hope? Or more of a Faith? So many thoughts ran in my head and one day, I asked. Mike told me that she was the sweetest girl in the world. 

She understood him completely and always supported his thoughts even if he ends up getting hit most of the time. They've been together since the start of last year and they plan to keep it like that, since he thinks- no, he said he knows that he feels comfortable with her.

Was I sweet like her? It was something I always wondered after that day. I would think about my actions. How do I look for the people who can see? Was I attractive? Or did I look ugly? How styled did my black hair looked? Does it stay the same or does it go horrible in the wind?

Did Mike like it?

He would've helped me fix it if it went haywire, right?

Those were the thoughts that consumed me whenever I wasn't doing anything. Which was, sadly, most of the time. The only place I feel a little free was at home. I didn't have to bother about pleasing anyone. The Fishers, my family, liked me for the way I am.

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