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Aquarius right?


Mercedes sat on the floor of Sebastian's hotel living room, alongside Elizabeth, Paul, Anthony, Fleur and Sebastian.

It was the first time meeting Elizabeth and the first time meeting up with Paul since they were on set of Iron man together.

Everyone was drunk, and all having a good time. Earlier in the day, they went out for a meal and all decided to come back to Anthony and Sebastian's hotel room.

They had three days left of comic con, they wanted to make some memories. Mercedes had placed her polaroid camera on the small coffee table so that if anyone wanted to take a photo they could.

The six of them were all playing spin the bottle, as Fleur suggested and it was currently Mercedes turn.

The girl leant forward and Sebastian couldn't help but allow his eyes to travel down to her cleavage. She looked so good in her tight fitted dress. It highlighted all of her curves perfectly and all he wanted to do was pull it off of her.

The brunette span the bottle and it landed on Elizabeth. Sebastian clenched his jaw and reminded himself that he had no right to get jealous.

"Lizzie." Mercedes giggled as she crawled over to the girl. Her hands cupped her cheeks, her thumb lightly twanging on her bottom lip.

Fleur hooted as the two girls connected their lips. It was the most carefree she had seen her best friend in years.

"Can you believe you just made out with Elizabeth Olsen?" Fleur placed her hands on Mercedes' shoulders.

"Aquarius right?" The girl questioned pointing to Elizabeth who hummed in response. "Thought so. Your turn, Sebby." Mercedes smiled.

Sebastian was desperate to get Mercedes. He had span the bottle over five times and he hadn't got her once. Everyone else, he had. He'd kissed everyone else in the room, but her.

And she was the one that he wanted to kiss the most. He wanted to feel her lips against his. He wanted to grab her ass and pull her closer. He just wanted her.

He ran his hand over his face to clear his racing thoughts and span the bottle. He tried to not let out an angered sigh as he got Fleur, once again.

Fleur smiled at him, knowing that what he really wanted was for the bottle neck to land on the girl beside her. Regardless, she leant forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Boo. That was boring." Anthony chuckled playfully as he reached forward to spin the bottle. "Come here, Merc." He motioned for the girl to come closer.

Mercedes shook her head but leant forward and pressed her lips against Anthony's for the third time tonight. Sebastian rolled her eyes at the pair, which didn't go unnoticed by the others.


Sebastian sat on the couch, his leg bobbing up and down angrily. Anthony and Mercedes were currently in Anthony's room. He couldn't stop his mind from racing about what they might be doing.

"What's up?" Fleur say as she sat beside Sebastian and placing her hand over his knee, so that he would stop bobbing his leg up and down.

Paul and Elizabeth had now both left for their own rooms, saying how they both had early interviews in the morning.

"They're in there, doing God knows what. I didn't get to kiss her once, Fleur." He buried his head in his hands and let out a defeated sigh.

"You should go in there and tell her you love her. You should go in there right now and pull her away from him and just kiss her." Fleur smirked, she wanted nothing more than for her best friend to get with Sebastian.

Anthony rolled over onto his stomach, turning to face Mercedes with a questioning look, making her giggle. They were both incredibly drunk.

"Do you think bears really like honey?" Anthony questioned curiously.

"I watched a bear eat honey once." Mercedes sat up crossed legged in the bed, an excited smile playing on her face. "We called him Winnie."

Anthony chuckled at the girl, looking at her curiously as he asked,

"Do you mean Winnie the Pooh?" Mercedes nodded with wide eyes. "Do you wanna watch some?" The girl nodded again and Anthony pulled out his phone to watch an episode of Winnie the Pooh.

He offered out his arm so that she could rest her head on his chest, which the girl happily did. She snuggled into his side and wrapped her arm around his torso, a happy smile making it way onto her face as she watched the children's show.

The door burst open, making them both jump and turn to look at Sebastian, who's gaze had softened once he saw the pair cuddled up watching Winnie the Pooh.

"Hey, princess," He smiled, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "can I steal you away?"

Mercedes looked towards Anthony, who nodded in response. So the girl, latched herself on to Sebastian's back and allowed him to carry her into his room.

Sebastian placed the girl down on the bed before taking a seat next to her. He brought his hand up to push some of her fallen hair behind her ear, but instead she nuzzled into his palm and closed her eyes in bliss. His thumb caressed her cheek slightly, before twanging down her bottom lip.

"Did you want me for something?" Mercedes whispered softly, her eyes opening as she did so. She looked so innocent.

"I wanted to cuddle with you." Sebastian uttered, making the girl straddle his lap and slowly push him back on the bed so that he was laid down.

His large hands rested on her thighs as she brought her hair to one side before laying down on his chest. Her head buried into the crook of his neck, pressing her lips against it, allowing them to linger for a second.

Sebastian hummed at the action, his hands trailing up her body and pulling her as close as possible.

"I'm going to miss you, Sebby." She whispered into his neck. Her warm breath making his hairs stand on end.

"I'm going to miss you too."

MERCEDES | SEBASTIAN STANWhere stories live. Discover now