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Fuck sake.


Mercedes was instantly swarmed by fans as she, Fleur, Anthony and Sebastian all left the comic con building to try and head back to their hotel. They had cars waiting for them but that didn't stop the fans from screaming their names and reaching out for them.

"Mercedes, please." A group of girls squealed as she walked by, their hands reaching out for her. She smiled at them and quickly took a photo, before Anthony ushered her away.

All four of them were attempting to cover their faces from the bright flashes of the paparazzis camera's. Protectively, Sebastian placed his hand on the small of Mercedes' back and stepped closer to her.

Mercedes heard a booming laugh and a few men caught her attention. They were all seemingly making fun of fans waiting outside, which didn't sit right with the brunette.

"Look at all these bitches. Waiting for these people who don't give a fuck about them." One of the men taunted as he got all in a fans face. "They don't care about you."

"Hey." Mercedes shouted as she saw how much the words affected the girl that he spoke to. She pulled away from Sebastian and walked over to the girl. "Leave her alone."

The young girl smiled thankfully up to Mercedes.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Mercedes questioned, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. The girl nodded in response, to shy to actually say anything.

The man ran his hand over his face, bending down to come eye level with the brunette. He had a sickening smirk on his face as his eyes flickered to the fan behind her.

"This bitch," He pointed at Mercedes. "doesn't give a shit about you."

"I care about all of them." Mercedes spoke up confidently. Sebastian, Anthony and Fleur were all talking to other fans, none of them noticing the brunette standing up to the much taller man.

"Right." The man hummed. "You care about them?" Mercedes nodded, crossing her arms and standing her ground. "You're a liar. You don't care about them." He laughed. "She doesn't care about you."

"Leave her alone." Angered, Mercedes pushing the man backwards.

The man clenched his jaw and everything seemed to happen in fast forward. He swung for Mercedes and expected her to cower back, or move, but instead his fist collided with her face.

Mercedes didn't moved, in fact she didn't say anything. She just stood completely still. No tears formed in her eyes, all that she did was wipe away the blood that trickled from her nose.

"Fucking psycho." The man snapped.

Sebastian didn't even hesitate in throwing himself at the man. He gripped the man's shirt so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He pinned him against the wall, anger fuelling his every move.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again." Sebastian shouted, clenching his fist and repeatedly punching the man in the face until he fell down to the floor. "Do you fucking understand me? Don't lay a finger on her again."

"Seb." Anthony quickly rushed towards Sebastian, pulling him off the man as Fleur ushered Mercedes into their van.


Mercedes sat on top of the bathroom counter top. Sebastian stood between her thighs, he held a wet cloth in his hand and he cleaned the blood from her nose.

She hadn't said anything since it happened. It reminded her too much of her past and her instincts just kicked in.

When she was taken she would be beat for hours on end, and she wasn't allowed to flinch or even make a sound. Once she finally was able to stay quiet and remain still, she became a sort of selective mute.

Sebastian brought his hand up to cup the girls cheek, using the cloth to wipe away the blood, revealing a split lip and a bruise accompanying it.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian questioned softly. The girl didn't say anything, she remained silent and merely nodded.

She took the cloth from his hands and began to clean his knuckles that were covered in blood. She had to remind herself that it wasn't his blood, but instead the man's that hit her.

Mercedes' eyes flickered up to Sebastian, who was already looking down at her. She wanted to know why he stepped in. Logically, she knew that anyone would have stepped in if they saw someone getting hit, but this felt different.

"Mercedes." Sebastian said a little bit more sternly, snapping her out of her gaze but also making her jump. "What happened?"

"Why did you do it? Why did you hit him back? Why did you step in?" The girl blurted out.

"Why wouldn't I? Nobody deserves to he hit, least of all you." Sebastian tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear and she couldn't help but nuzzle into the warmth of his palm. "I don't ever want to see you be hurt like that again."

The brunette closed her eyes and relaxed at his soft touch. He used the pad of his thumb to run along her cheek, before gently running along her lips.

He wanted them against his so desperately. He wanted her close. Sebastian stepped forward, leaning down, ready to take the next step. His nose brushed against the girls and their warm breaths mingled.

One small movement and his lips would be on hers and all would be right in the world.

Anthony swung the bathroom door open, making the pair jump apart. Sebastian let out a groan, his hand running over his face and turning his back to the man.

"Fuck sake." Sebastian uttered to himself.

"I just came to check that you were okay." Anthony announced as he looked towards the girl.

"I'm fine, thank you." Mercedes smiled sweetly, her eyes flickering to Sebastian, who seemed tense. She was so close to kissing him. She longed for his lips against hers, to have him closer. And she hated that Anthony ruined that.

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