Chapter 16

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Sitting at dinner, everything was going great. We were having fun laughing and joking around. That was until Becca walked it. Just her presence alone, the atmosphere became instantly gloomy. God, I really hate her.

When she ran to Jaxson hugging and kissing on him, I wanted to gag. Yeah, I know she is his girlfriend, but I cannot help but feel like she is touching what is supposed to be mine. All I could do is get up and walk away. I did not want anyone to notice that I was upset, especially Becca. I

will be damned to see the look of satisfaction on her face.

I am washing the dishes trying to get my breathing under control.

Hearing the next thing out of her mouth was the last thing I expected. She is pregnant. The tears instantly filled my eyes, my chest felt tight, my body started to shake. It was not long before I was going to lose it, I must get out of here.

Wiping my face, taking a deep breath, I walk over to Alena. I grab her hand and tell her to come with me. I did not dare look at anyone, especially them. The tension was growing by the second and I could feel Jaxson looking at me. Nope I am not doing this.

Walking up the stairs, I can already hear them yelling. Jessica is pissed. I can also hear Emily and Becca going back and forth at each other.

"I can't believe you got this bitch pregnant! How could you? I hope you find your mate and she rejects your stupid ass!" Jessica screamed.

"I'm going to be the mother of his child; I'm not going anywhere so you need to accept that and get the fuck over it! Stop being a drama queen!" Becca yelled back.

"We don't have to accept anything. This is wrong, all wrong! All you want is power and the Luna title, you don't care about anyone else but yourself!" Emily yelled.

"I will be Luna and you will respect me, or you can leave!" Becca screamed.

"ENOUGH!" I heard Jaxson yell.

Everyone got quiet. I opened Alena's door and went inside. We walked over to the other side of the room and I sat Alena on the floor in front of her pile of toys.

"Hey baby, mommy has to go potty. I'll be right back." I whispered to her. I am barely able to get the words out before breaking down. I go into the bathroom and close the door. I leaned against it and slid down, bursting into tears. I cover my mouth with my hand so she cannot hear me.

How could I have let this happen? We have not known each other long and we have only been messing around for a couple days, why do I feel like my heart is broken?

He is not mine; he will never be mine. What happened between us will never happen again. I will not allow it to happen again. I am not going to be the other woman, second to anyone, especially her. I cannot blame him because I am just as much at fault as he is, but I am so mad at him. From everything everyone told me about werewolves, he is not supposed to be with her. He is supposed to be with his mate.

From the description of what Emily said about mates, she described the tingles, and the instant pull. There are times I have wondered if I was his mate because I feel exactly the way she describes it except she told me humans are not usually mated with them. I did feel disappointed, but it still felt incredible. It did not feel like just sex or that I was just a fling. It felt real and intense. I got to stop thinking like that.

Shaking my head. I got up and washed my face. Deciding that it was necessary to get out of the house, I needed time to process and motivate myself to get over it and move on. I went back in with Alena.

Her RejectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon