Chapter 13

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Jeff P.O.V

Alex had fallen asleep in me. I know because of her soft snores. Aww she's so cute when she's sleeping.

I'm not sure if i should wake her up or just let her sleep on me. I brush her hair with my hand. Her hair is soft, and smooth.

Alex suddnely starts to move and slowly gets off of me.

"W-What happened?" She asks me with a tired voice.

"You fell asleep." I tell her calmly.

"Uh I-I am sorry!" She studders. Her face turns pink. O my god is she bluhsing?

"Are you blushing Alex?"

"N-No I am not. I'm sorry i fell asleep on you. I was tired because of last night." She says meanly. Now she's blaming this in me. Wow real mature Alex. Before i could say anything Alex got up.

"I need to pee!" She said nervously.

Alex P.O.V

Pee?! You need to pee? Nice going Alex way to look like a complete moron in front if Jeff. Wait. Why do i care? Who cares its just Jeff. Right?

I think your developing feelings for him...

"No." I whsiper to myself. Ugh why? I really don't want a relationship right now. I'm menatlly unstable, but then again so is he. Ugh...

I turn on the sink. Then i spash cold water onto my face.


"You okay?" I hear Jeff knock in my door.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say while i wipe ny face with a silk towel. I feel so incredibly stupid. Why must i react like such an idiot. God, what's wrong with me.

Maybe...just maybe. I do like him. Damn fucking feelings!

I have to come out of the bathroom sooner or later. I open the door and Jeff was standing outside the door.

"Are you okay?" He asks me again.

"Yeah...sorry i freaked out. I dont know why i did." I rub my head nervously.

"Its okay." He smiles. His smile is so much better without the carved one on his face. He pats my head.

"Ya know Alex..." Jeff says and I nod. "Your actually cute when you get nervous." He smiles slyly.

"I am not nervous." I say. He laughs.

He's a cutie and you know it.

Shut up!

"The movie is over. Wanna do something?" He announces.


"How about...we scare that amber bitch." He says with an insane look in his eye.

I smile. "Okay."

"Let's go and bring a weapon. Just incase."

I nod happily then run into the kitchen. I open the drawers a little too roughly and searcg for something sharp and big. Ooh a clever. Sharp, big and cuts through anything.

"Got it!" I come back to him.

"Nice choice." He laughs. "Lets go!"

He takes my hand and we dash off. I'm not too sure where she lives but i know she lives near me so it won't be too hard to find.

"Wheres her house?" He asks me.

"Its one of these houses by me i know that."

He sighs. "Ah Alex. Do you know her last name?"


"Because It could be on a mailbox or something."

"Oh. Yeah its Chapman." I tell him. He nods then I lead the way to the first house I lay my eyes on. A purple victorian house. It was two stories high. With blue shuttles and a big white door. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Lets try this one. Check the mailbox." I tell him.

"Chapman!" He smiles.

"Great so what now?" I ask him. He looks at the house for a second then me. I feel like he's deep in thought.

"I'm not sure if anyone is home. So lets find a window and sneak in." He says with a serious expression on his face.

"Alright." I nod.

"Follow me." He whispers. He starts to walk and i follow him. Mimicking his steps in a quiet motion.

Jeff looks through a dirty window, then turns his attention back to me.

"I'll go in first just in case." He whispers. I nod.

Jeff opens the window steadily. Then sneaks in. I wait until he he tries to get me. He reaches his hands out, i take them and he helps me up. I finally get in and then i slip on the window sill while I'm still in Jeff's arms. We both fall down and i end up on top of him.

"Damnit!" I say in a loud whisper. Jeff covers my mouth with the palm of his hand. I get off of him quickly and onto my feet and he does the same.

"Be very cautious and quiet." He warns.

We tiptoe down the hall. I accidently trip on basically nothing. Jeff laughs, but holds it in and I do the same. Damn I'm clumsy. He holds my wrist.

Rather him hold the hand..

Yeah. Me too.

To be continued XD

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