Chapter 16

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Me and Jeff had so much fun yesterday! We messed around alot and kissed...a little.

A little?

I blush to myself. Okay maybe a lot but whatever i love his kisses! Jeff is really cheest if im being honest.

Dont you mean romantic?

You can call it that. I didn't peg him as the romantic type. Then again he is a psychopathic killer so who would know? I'm so shocked about his actions, he's really gentle and affectionate...and sweet. I know that sounds totally crazy! Jeff the killer? A Psychopath being sweet? Well to me he was so sweet yesterday. Ugh but what if hes using me to just cover up his crimes. That would make loads of sense...who would like me? I'm such an outcast. Then again so is he.

Just be extra careful.

Monday finally sneaks upon me. I wake up with a very salty attitude. I really don't wanna be in a classroom with judgemental assholes. Oh well...

I get dressed and put on a pair of jeans and a pierce the veil sweater. Its still a little chilly outside. After that i slip on a pir of old black vans i haven't gotten a new pair of shoes in years. Before i could head out the door my window starts to open and i know who it is. I can't hold my stupid grin.

"Alex!" He smiles at pulls me into a cute hug that lifts me off the ground. The benefits of having a tall boyfriend or friend with benefits!

"Hi!" I smile and wrap my arms around his body. He pulls away and gives me a big kiss! Ugh hes so cute.

"We should ditch!" He says enthusiastically. Ditch? I woukd get in so much trouble. My dad would literally kill me!

"Jeff...i don't think so..." I sit down in my bed. He looks bewildered then sits by my side. I would ditch too especially with him!

"Come on Alex. Whats the worst that could happen?" He nudges my shoulder lightly.

"My dad would kill me!" I say then sigh loudly.

"I won't let anyone hurt you. Especially your dad." He holds onto my waist. I smile he's so sweet.

"I don't know..." I sigh.

"How about you do your first tow periods then we ditch at lunch?" He asks.

"Okay! Since they have my attendance then i guess we can!"

"Great. I wont let anyone hurt  you too..." He says.

Jeff insist that he walk me to my bus stop I don't know why...its not thar far from here but whatever. We both walk side by side awkwardly. It was dead silent until he finally said something.

"Um..can I hold your hand?" He asks shyly. I smile and nod. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers together. I love the way our hands perfectly fit each other. It makes me so happy so I try to hide my dumb grin.

"So where do you wanna meet?" I ask again just to make sure.

"At your lunch table?" He asks.


We soon say our goodbyes and I have to leave for ny bus. The strange thing is Amber was absent for the bus. That's weird she usually goes on the bus.


My first two periods went by super fast which is great! I sit by my regular lunch table and decide not to get food because well why should I? Jeff is coming for me anyways. Well i hope. I really really hope he doesn't use me to cover up his crimes. I've been used before and it isn't the best.

I sit quietly until I feel someone grip my shoulders. I look behind me and Jeff is chuckling at me.

"Scare me to death why wont you!?" I say which makes him laugh even more. He sits besides me.

"Are ya ready?" He asks me. I smile and nod. He gets up then takes my hand. We quickly dash out of the school quietly and happily. I'm so happy wr are ditching i hate school so much!

"I promise we will have a bunch of fun!" He smiles at me widely. I smile too because i just love his real smile.

Super psycho love (Jeff the killer romance)Where stories live. Discover now