The Mad Man

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Tommy was in Nick's room. I climbed out of my bed and headed to the hallway. My eyes soon got adjusted to the moonlight streaming through the windows. I lloked towards the locked room. The music didn't seem to be coming from there. I tiptoed to the kitchen. Mugs and plates lay on the surface cold and stained by tea. Water was leaking into the sink and every time a drop af water fell, an echo passes around the house. I could feel the coldness from the musty orange and black tiled floor even though i was wearing slippers. 

The library! I turned the knob and pushed against the door. The door opened with a creak. The music was very loud here. I covered my ears with my hands. I looked around. It was pitch dark. There was no window in the library. I couldn't see any music player or the source from which the music was being played. The music wae defeaning me. 

Suddenly the music stopped. I could hear my heartbeats. Silence filled the room. The curtains in the kitchen danced in the wind which was strange as all the windows were locked and no breeze could come in. The tap was dripping.


My head hurt. I closed the door of the library and headed to my room. The pain in the head was unbearable.

'Kat,' someone whispered.

I jumped. I paused and looked around. 

'Who's there?,' my voice came out in a whisper.

No answer. I rushed to my room and fell into the bed. I leaped into unconsiousness.

Next morning, I felt as if i dreamt about the music, maybe a nightmare! It was snowing heavily. I put on my jacket and buttened it up.

Bella greeted me with a wicked smile. 'Hey babes, did you say 'hi' to the ghost from my side?'

'yeah, it said that it is coming to spend a night at your home as it is bored of Lovely Villa,' I said hiding my laughter.

The color on her faced faded. She turned white.

'UH-OH meet you later,' she said and stomped away.

I smiled. Serves her right.

'Hello, I'm Jason,' said someone.

I turned back and went blank for a second. I saw a thin boy waving to me. He had dark brown hair- cut short and light blue eyes. He was wearing  a crimson red T-shirt and a pale blue jacket over it. He was the cutest guy i had ever seen.

'Hi. I'm Katherine- er- Katherine Williams,' I babbled.

He flashed a smile. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. 'I know'.

'You must also be knowing that i live in ahaunted house?,' i joked even though i have a bad sense of humour.

He looked confused.

'No, i don't believe in ghosts. We shifted to Southampton before two years. I don't know much about this place. Only that it snows all the time,' he said maintaining hi smile.

I nodded feeling like a joker in front of him. 'Nice to meet you.'

Mrs.Berett entered the class and Jason hurried to his bench.

'Jason is looking hot,' said Bella to one of her friends.

'Not hot. Actually cool,' said the brunette.

They both laughed and i rolled my eyes.

'I am planning to ask him out. A date,' whispered Bella. 'I know he would never say no to me.'

Ilooked towards Jason. He was indulged in his work. Mrs.Berett completed taking the attendance.

'I hope you all the completed the homework,' she said.

Blow! I had forgotten about the homework.I was made to stand outside the class.

I was feeling low after standing out for two hours. Jason consoled me at lunch break but i was in no mood to listen to him. As i was leaving school, Bella blocked my way.

'You nerd. How come you and Jason are friends now?'

'Don't talk nonsense and move away,' i said.

'YOU have to listen to me. I don't want to see you near him,' she screamed and gave a hard blow in my stomach.

That hurt. I cried in pain. I didn't imagine Bella would turn out a bully. School sucks!

I walked home silently fighting back tears. Suddenly, the mad man appeared in front of me. He was gasping for air and looked terrifeied.

'I and my wife are going to die. It's coming after us,' he shouted, rolling his head.

'You did this,' he cried beating his chest.

'What are you saying? You are mad,' I yelled moving away from him. I tripped and fell down. He grabbed my arm and twisted it.

'Aah,' I screamed.

'Leave me, help! Help!,' I cried.

There was no one around us. He smiled wickedly.'You will die along with us.'

'No!,' I cried.

I struggled to break free but his grip was firm.

'Leave the house- leave the house,' he yelled tightening the grip.

I let out a cry of pain. I bit his hand. HE released my arm and I ran away.

'Wait, wait,' he yelled.

I was panic striken. I ran as fast as i could. I heard footsteps behind me.

'Go away!,' I screamed at the top of my voice without looking back. The footsteps died. Still, I kept on running -stumbling and falling- on my way. At last, i reached home and gave Tommy a tight hug. I felt safe.

'Dear, why are you crying?,' asked Grandpa.

'Is Nick home,' I asked.

'Yes, but wha----,' he started.

'I had a fight,' I repliedand stomped away.

I was pretty scared after this incident. I decided to tell my mom about him the next day. She will hand him over to the police. He won't disturb me again.

At dinner, mom asked me lot of questions. 

'who was that?'

I didn't reply.

'Why did you fight?'

I kept on munching the food.

'Kat, I'm talking to you,' she said placing her hand on my shoulder.

I flinched.

I finished my food and headed to my room. Mom stared at me blankly. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I imagined the mad man clutching my hand and twisting it. I stared at the deep cut on my arm. I shivered. I wished not to meet that man again. I thought about Bella. Today was one of the worst days of my life. I wanted to go back to Nihawara. I washed my father was alive. So many wishes which could not be fulfilled. I fought back tears and dozed off.

At night, I heard the music again. I gasped for breath. I was not dreaming. I checked out the time. 11:45. Sweat rolled down my forehead.

'Who is playing that music?,' I asked to myself. I put on my slippers and climbed out of my bed. The music was very low and scary like the previous nighe. I clicked on the torch that I found in my closet.

Tom was in Nick's room. If he was there with me, his barks would have brought the whole house down. The library door seemed to  be locked from inside. I was shacking badly from head to toe. I twisted the knob-this way- that way no use. The door stood there, still and strong. Suddenly, the music stopped.

I gave up and started heading to my room. I umped when i heard a noise behind me. I tuned back and gasped when i saw the door open.

How did this door open?

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