Strange happenings

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Mom almost fainted. I caught hold of her.

'It's written in blood, blood,' shrieked Nick, hugging mother.

I suddenly roared with laughter. Both of them looked at me surprisingly.

'Nick, you're such a baby,' i said squealing with laughter. They looked at me confused.

'What? It was a prank,' i said clapping my hands.'I wrote it to scare you Nick. why should you always have the fun?'

'Kat, i don't believe you did this,' said mom.

'Sorry, mom. i didn't mean to scare you. it's not blood. it's just red paint,' i said.

'Katherine, you're disgusting. Clean it now,' ordered mom and went away with Nick.

After they had gone, i locked the door and stared at the letters in horror. This couldn't be happening! Tears rolled down my cheeks. Undoubtedly, the letters were written in blood! The ghost killed Tom and now it's after us.

I was glad that i lied to them or else they might have panicked and we would have been living on the streets by now.

I was overcome with the smell of nausea as i smelled blood. I immediately washed the wall with a wet cloth. I have to solve this mystery. There is something wrong in this house. I can not put my family in danger.

Next day, i saw Jason talking with Bella. He seemed irritated and nervous. On seeing me, he pulled me into a hug.

'Bella---,' i started.

'Nothing,' he said grinning.

'Jason, i have to tell you something,' i said. I narrated the incident to him. I told him how i fooled my mom and Nick that i played a prank on them but actually i did not do it. it was real!

His expression changed from confused to poker face. 'Was it blood?'

'Ya, i could smell it,' i replied.

'Umm--get that look off your face. You don't look good,' he said flashing his teeth.

I rolled my eyes.'Jason, why aren't you serious?,' i demanded.

'I am serious. What should we do then? go on a ghost hunt?,' he asked.

I broke into laughter.

'Now you look good.'

After school, we walked home together as usual.

'Iam going to Alia tonight. Grandma is seriously ill,' he said.

'Oh my gosh! when will you come back?,' i asked.

'Can't say. After few days-- a week maybe,' he said.

School will be boring without you,' i said sulking.

'Iam going only for a few days not forever,' he joked.

I managed a laugh. My house came into view.

'Bye,' i said and kissed him.

'Love you, bye,' he said and jogged away.

No one was home. Mom had gone to drop Nick to his music classes and Grandparent's were at some friend's house. I was starving. I grabbed a cookie and headed to my room. Suddenly, i remembered the key that i found in the book. i found it safe in my drawer. I tried it in all the doors but no luck. 

The locked door next to my bedroom! Maybe it would fit into that keyhole.With hope, i inserted the key in the lock. No, it didn't open. I gave it one last try and twitch -- it opened! 

I pushed the door slightly and it opened with a high-pitched creak. A musty smell was coming from the room. It was very dark. I ran my hand on the wall and found the switch. i put it on. The room was brightly lit. The brightness blinded me. i had to shield my eyes. A huge chandeliar hung from the ceiling.

On the extreme end, i saw a bed-- same size as Nick's bed. Something was scrawled in the front. i blowed the dust. WILLIAM CURTIS.

To my left, there was another bed of same size. I knelt down. Here it was written SUZANNE CURTIS. i jumped when i heard a rat squeak. I explored the wardrobe. The clothes looked old and worn out.  I admired Suzanne's clothes. They were pretty, absolutely stunning. I went to check out the drawers. I pulled the upper one and found some photograghs in it. 

One showed a small girl cutting a cake. She must be Suzanne. i was awestruck by her beauty. Another photo showed Suzanne with her brother, William. They looked cute together. Another photo showed the entire family enjoying dinner at a restaurant. I smiled as i recalled the old memories of my family. i slipped into nostalgia for a second. The last photogagh showed Suzanne with a dog.

I glanced at it closely. The dog was Tommy! How is this possible? The dog looked very much like Tommy. I replaced the photos and found some paints and sketchpens in the next drawer. I found a diary in the last drawer. It was covered in black leather with 1997 written on it. I ran my fingers on it.

I dropped it when i suddenly heard voices.

'Sue, run baby, run.'

'Mom, i won't leave you.'


'Mooom, put off the fire.'

'William, where are you?'

Help! somebody help us.'

I was panic striken. i jumped when the chandeliar started swinging. i was scared and the lights started to flicker. Suddenly, i heard the doorbell ring. I hurried to the hall to open the door.

It was mom. 'Mom, you know. i just opened---,' i began.

I looked back and the door was closed!

'Kat, what happened now?,' asked mom.

'Er- i opened that door. i have the key too,' i said searching the pockets of my pant.

I panicked. Key-- where is the key? I peeped into the keyhole. It was dark. But did i put off the lights? I didn't remember. The door was locked somehow and i had lost the key. I kicked the door in frustration.

'Mom, believe me,' i began. She ignored me and headed to the kitchen.

What if the key was inside the room? Nooo! I recalled the voices. Did i really hear it?

I was longing for Jason to call me. When i tried his phone, it was switched off. Then my phone beeped.

'Hey,Kat,' he said.

'Hi,' i said.'Is everything ok?'

'No, my Grandmother is very ill,' he said upset.

'I hope she gets well soon,' i said.' When will you come back?'

'Er- within two to three days,'he said.

'You just come soon.'

'Wanna tell something?'

'No, everything's fine.'

'Ok. Love you. Bye.'

'Love you too,' i said and cut the connection. This was not the right time to tell him anything about the room.

I was awakened by a noise. it was 1:00. The Tv was blaring outside. I wondered who was watching Tv at this time. I will smack Nick if it's him.

I opened the door silently and marched outside. It was not Nick who was watching Tv. Four heads were turned towards the television.

One of them turned and said ,'Hello Kat!'



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