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I rolled on to my back when I felt sunrays hitting my face. I opened my eyes adjusting to the brightness and looked beside me to find it empty. I sat up rubbing my eyes when I heard my favourite voice.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. It's almost nine. Don't you want to go into the market?", Eric said, placing a tray on the table.

I gasped and hissed when I tried to move. I looked down to see I was in my undergarments and pulled the sheets upto my chest. Eric frowned walking near me.
"What happened?"

"I don't know. Just a little sore....down there", I whispered the last part, blushing. Eric smirked and kissed my cheek.
"Don't worry. You'll be fine. If I were you, I would worry about it more after doing the deed. You will not be able to walk for days"

I just sat there confused when he told me to get ready. 


The past two days in the island had been absolutely wonderful. We went into the town and I insisted in getting souvenirs for all. Eric thought that all that was a waste of time when he could get anything for them at any instant. I rolled my eyes and bought them anyways.

We had dinner in a cozy cafe and returned to our bungalow. I still clearly remember Eric giving me an orgasm and I would blush every time he would brush close to me. We were currently chilling on the couch playing chess. Of course he won the last two matches but I was determined to beat him.

"Checkmate. Sorry, angel. You just suck", he smirked. 
"NO! You cheated because I am an amateur", I yelled. 
"No, I didn't", he countered.
"This is not fair. We will play one more game at home when someone watches you", I jabbed a finger at his chest.

He pulled me by my wrist and leaned down to my ear, "Admit it, Lily. You are a sore loser"
I rolled my eyes walking to the bed getting ready to sleep. Eric chuckled at my behaviour clearing everything up, joining me.

"Are you not going to give me a goodnight kiss?", he asked as he wrapped an arm around me. I turned giving him my back.
"Cheaters don't get kisses...", I said muffling a giggle.
"What the....Give me a kiss", he said turning me to him. I glanced up at him, laughing.

I leaned up and he smiled leaning down when I swerved; he ended up kissing my cheek. 
"Stop that...", he said coming for another. I swerved the other way and laughed when it landed on my other cheek. 
"Hey! Stop doing that.....", he gripped my chin. "Now, give me a kiss, wifey", he leaned down but I put my hand in between. 
"Okay, that's it! I always get what I want and I want a kiss now", he gritted and stood up. 
"Make me", I challenged. 

Eric trapped me in his arms, my hands caught on my sides. I chuckled trying to worm out. He leaned down pressing his lips hard against mine. I resisted, successfully freeing my arms. I pushed at his chest, smiling into the kiss. He was still kissing me and I so badly wanted air. Eric finally let go, both of us panting. 

"I win!", he smirked as I hit his chest. Suddenly we heard a loud crash in the living room making us freeze. We kept silence for a minute.

"What was that?", I whispered.
"I'll go check. Stay here", he disappeared leaving me on bed. I turned towards the sliding door that had a view of the sea. I got up from bed and opened the door, stepping out into the breezy night. 

A hand clamped my mouth making my screams muffled. I struggled to be let go when another wrapped around my waist. Tears pricked my eyes as I thrashed. 

"Keep still or else your husband is dead!", a deep voice spoke striking fear to my very bones. I froze screaming for Eric in my head.
"Now, listen carefully. I want you to go back home 'cause you are not safe here. Tell your husband any reason. Do you understand?"

I frantically nodded and just like that he disappeared like a flash of light. I blinked my tears away and looked at the eerie silence broken by the crashing waves. I rushed inside, locking the door, wiping my tears and looked presentable. 

Eric came back and my tears came back at full force, seeing him smile. I controlled and gave a smile as he climbed onto the bed. Instantly I held him and I hated myself for being so clingy. 

"Hey, I checked. I forgot to close the windows. So the wind knocked the vase over", he stroked my hair gently.

"Okay", I muttered.
"Are you....ok?", he hesitated as we laid down with me tucked beside him. 
"Peachy. So, how long are we going to stay here?"
"Well, we are staying for one more night and we'll check out day after tomorrow in the afternoon", he said.

I bit my lip, "Can we.....maybe.....go back tomorrow?"
He leaned back to look at me, confused. "Why?"
"I don't know. I just don't feel like it anymore", I hoped it would convince him.
"Just enjoy, Lily. I know you are tensed about that sound. It was a harmless vase"

Oh! If only you knew.....

"No, Eric. It's not about that. I'm being honest. Are you worried the expenses would go waste?", I asked.
"Angel, I would loose a million dollars if it's for you. I don't care about the money"
"Then let's go. I'm bored out here", I bit my lip praying that he would accept.

He sighed heavily. "Okay. We can leave tomorrow afternoon. I'll arrange and I'll also inform our parents"
I nodded and cuddled closer. "Thank you, Eric"
"Anything for you. Now sleep. You are not gonna enjoy the eight hours in plane"



I turned over my entire desk over. I'm so damn pissed!!

My office door opened to reveal my right hand man. He walked over carefully knowing too well about the reason. 
"Boss. Should we arrange for our departure?", he asked.

"Of course, you idiot. What am I to do here without her? Tell our men to get ready. We are leaving tonight", I snared at him. He nodded and immediately left the room. I looked at the photograph in my hand and tore the pretty face to pieces. I made a perfect plan and it would have gone well if stayed one more day. But, she was going back and that made my blood boil.

I would have gotten my hands on her.....

"I'm coming for you, my sweet Lily. And this time, I'm gonna get my hands on you. You belong to ME!"

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now