Chapter 14 " Find Her!! "

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Stephen P.O.V

We looked everywhere for Riley, downstairs, upstairs, in the closet. We looked again and again but she wasn't there.

Riley was gone!

"Stephen! " I looked at Jackson, he had helped us and he hasn't left my side since we found out she was missing.

"What is it? Did you find something?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No but I know of way to find her!" He said.

I looked at him shocked, this man is to amazing!

"Well then tell me! " I urged him to go on.

He chuckled and looked around, he saw Ollie and Kayla then turned back to me " I can track her with Jacob! Just give me a piece of her clothing and he can do it!" He said quickly.

I smiled for the first time since I found that Riley was gone, " Oh Jackson that's brilliant! " I gushed out happily.

Yes Riri here I come!

Hold on tight baby!

"Let's go to my house, I'm sure I can get something there that has her scent!" I suggested which he quickly agreed to.

I went to Kayla and Ollie telling them that I needed to check if she was home. They nodded and said they would check around the house before checking outside. I nodded and me and Jackson ran to his Jeep quickly getting on and racing to my house.

At that moment I realized that Jackson has never been to my house before. I didn't want him to anyway our house was a trash and not to mention I lived with my parents. He knew that though since I told him in our first date, I also told him why. He said it was understandable. That reminds me if my mom was still doing that nice act.

I told Jackson where our house was and when he parked his Jeep he gave me a face that said 'are you kidding me'.

I gave him a confused look " What is it? " I asked him.

He shook his head " While your getting something with Riley's scent get everything you need because  your moving in with me." He said with a face that said he wasn't kidding.

What the hell? What got into him?!

"What why?!" I asked him.

"Because I'm not letting my boyfriend and his sister live in such a place!" He said with a stern voice.

I blushed and looked away " It's okay, were fine" I mumbled but he just pulled me to face him.

" Pack up. " he said then gave me a kiss on the lips, he bit my bottom lip then let go.

I blushed "Whatever..I'll be right back." Then I got out, going inside my house.

Asshole thinks he tell me what to do! Hmph!

When I opened the door I was filled with something that I haven't heard in a long time in this house.


I went inside and into the living room seeing my mom and dad sitting there all cuddled up together.

Why are they so happy, something's going on here!

"Why are two so happy?" I asked a confused and disgusted look on my face.

My dad turned to me while my mom giggled and kissed his neck "I just got millions of dollars given to me!" He cheered.

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