Chapter 18 " Stephen is Jackson's "

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Longest chapter I have ever done so far! Yes! So proud of myself! :D

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Stephen P.O.V

I wanted to get out of this guys hands so bad! I didn't him to take me or touch me! Ellie should be glad that my back is hurting like a bitch because if it wasn't I would enough strength to actually punch and kick the guy right where it hurts. I wouldn't miss either I'll make sure I hit him there.

Trust me.

" Here we are my wonderful bedroom! " Ellie said as he opened the door.

Come on Steph your better than this just start being difficult like always!

As soon as I thought this I ignored the pain in my back and kicked Ellie right in the stomach with my foot. He grunted and let me go which I took advantage off as I started for the door but Ellie was faster and grabbed me closing the door.

I screamed loudly wanting him to let me go but even then he didn't. I groaned but then realized one of his hands was going up my shirt the other going to my member. I paled as soon as I felt them " Let me go you asshole! Don't fucking touch me! " I yelled as I tried getting his hands off him but he held on trying to get in my pants. Ellie chuckled evilly squeezing my member, I whined it felt so awful and so unspeakably wrong.

I was busy trying to get him off of me that I didn't even notice the door slam open till Jackson screamed my name. I looked up and I just noticed that there were tears on my face.

I was so relieved that Jackson was here but at the same time not really because he just saw Ellie grabbing my member.

I meant Jackson's eyes and immediately I was terrified his eyes were glowing yellow and his face showed a face of a killer. I knew Jackson wanted Ellie's blood on his hands and I would gladly let him but I won't since that's Derek farther weather he liked or not.

Jackson ran over to me grabbing me gently then picking Ellie up roughly and throwing him like a rag doll across the room. Jackson was just throwing him like he weighs nothing! Ellie would hit the ground with a thud and Jackson would pick up then throw him again throwing in some punches here and there.

" Jackson! Stop! I think he learned his lesson we can go now! " I screamed getting off of his arms. Ellie's body was now unmoving most likely unconscious from the beating he just took, of course I wanted him to pay and maybe roughen him up a bit but not kill him!

" Stephen get out of my way! I'm going to kill him for what he did! " He hissed out before moving me out of the way.

I wasn't haven't it though, I moved right back in front of him " No! I don't care about what he did! I'm not going to stand here while you kill Derek's dad!! " I yelled out at him.

Jackson's bright yellow eyes flashed with anger " So you don't care that he touched you! That he fucking put his hands in your pants! " Jackson screamed.

I rolled my eyes " Of course I do but I don't want him to die for it!! Jackson calm down we don't even know why he did that! How about if he did it for a certain reason! "

It was Jackson's turn to roll his eyes " I just- ughhh I'm going to fucki- you know what forget it! " he growled throwing his hands up in exaggeration as he went towards Ellie. I thought he was going to kill him and was about to stop him but he surprised me when he actually picked Ellie up throwing him over his shoulder.

I smiled at him but he just grunted and motioned me to the door which I happily went to as I opened the door I looked down the hallway and saw Derek just standing there. He looked up at me and I smiled at him which he returned happily, I sighed in relief since it looked like he hadn't heard our converstation.

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