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Yo!!!! How is everything going? Not that I care.

Just kidding!! 

Here you go-


Damian blasted the truck off. How? She didn't know. Maybe his super strength or something. He was really sweet. He saved her life but still, she knew there was something really wrong with him.

What happened back there? What was wrong with Adrien?

She was sure they were getting along fairly well and she even thought he actually had feelings for her. One minute he acts all friendly and sweet, next he acts distant and harsh.

She sighed and threw another rock at the lake where Damian had brought her.

No, actually, I hate you, Adrien's voice echoed in her head.

How could she have been so stupid? How could she even think that he was even remotely interested in her?

"You'll anger the giant dolphin if you keep throwing rocks in there, you know," she heard a voice.

She threw another rock and sighed again. She really didn't want his company right now. She wanted to be left alone, but Damian Wayne... well... he never listens.

"Good. Hopefully, the giant dolphin will swallow me whole and kill me instantly so I'll never have to live again."

She didn't look at him when he sat beside her on the grass. She could feel his intense eyes staring at her.

"Alright, what's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Why would you think something's wrong?" she said while forcing a bitter laugh. "Nothing's wrong," Marinette repeated as if she was trying to convince herself.

"I heard you the first time." He snorted.

Damian stared at her miserable expression and smirked. He didn't need her to tell him. He had already known what was wrong. He had been there when it had happened after all. Besides, Marinette was a terrible liar. Her eyes told him all.

She was an open book to him.

"How could he do this?" she said loudly, unable to control herself from blurting the words out of her mouth. "He acts all friendly and sweet and then suddenly he doesn't like me? Did I do something wrong? Did I do something to make him hate me?"

She lowered her head to her knees.

Damian didn't say anything for a while. He allowed himself to stare at her, studying her exquisite features. The expression on her face was that of sadness and something else. He had no idea what else. He had known how to read emotions but he had no clue why people feel the way they do. Emotions were a vague topic for him.

He knew how to feel but he could never understand the reason why.

"Who are we talking about here?" he said finally, feigning innocence.

She gave him a look of utmost contempt and irritation.

"Adrien!" she told him angrily. "I asked him to go on a date with me! I've been liking him since last month and when I finally plucked up the courage!"

Damian hadn't known why, but he suddenly felt the strong urge to strangle Agreste again. Somehow, the hours and hours of pain he had inflicted on the boy hadn't been enough.

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