exams and a surprise

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The day your class had been anticipating was finally here. Everyone sat nervously as they waited for the tests to be handed out. You tapped your shoe on the side of your chair, nervously planning out your time management for each test.
Good luck, everyone!


You sighed a huge sigh of relief once everything was over and done with. The class went straight into conversation about how to celebrate the end of mid year exams.

"How about karaoke?" One of them suggested.
Absolutely not.
"I know! A barbecue!" Kaido suggested, raising his hand.
Although the Dark Reunion may see me and Saiki both gathered outside and have an opportunity to annihilate both of us at once. No, I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen... He continued.
Good grief, he's still going.
"Let's go clubbing, guys." Nendo wiggled his eyebrows.
At least think of something realistic.
"What about a café? Nice and simple!" Mera suggested.
Now I can get behind that.
"You guys go on! I think I'll spend the rest of the day letting loose at home." You lifted your hand, smiling as you bid farewell to the class.


"I'm home!" You pushed in through the door, excitedly taking your shoes off. You couldn't wait to sit and relax in your bubble bath.
You noticed a pair of men's shoes lined neatly at the door. Who could that be? Father? No, he wouldn't show his face here again.
Oh! Maybe mother is finally moving on! That would be nice!
As your entered the living room, you dropped your bag onto the floor, gripping onto the door frame for support.
What the hell is he doing here?!

As if your dream had been a vision of the future, Yamada sat contentedly on your sofa, a smile across his face.
"Oh, you're home! Yamada was just dropping by to say hello. He even bought your favourite food! Isn't that sweet?" Your mother greeted you. You put on a fake smile.
"That's really nice. Yamada! Let's catch up, shall we?" You said gripping tightly onto his arm and pulling him out of the living room.
"Ow, ow. Be gentle!" He half joked.

"Wha-" You began but were interrupted when his finger pressed onto your lips.
"I bet you want to know what I'm doing here. I'm simply paying a visit! Don't be so harsh, I'll age quicker." He pouted.
Yeah, that's the plan.
You sighed.

"You're so cute when you're mad." He said, leaning in to examine your face.
"Well, I'm about to get fucking adorable if you don't leave right now." You countered, rolling your eyes.

I Choose You (Sequel to 'I Hate Ultimatums') ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now