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"Hey there beautiful" I said, smiling at Edward.

Edward was lying on the right corner of the bed as per usual. He was wearing white pajamas with his hands resting on his sides. The quilt that covered him, reached till his chest resembling a beauty in slumber. His chiseled face was handsome as always and it shined through the room lighting.

"It's me, your short-term wife. I'm gonna monologue a bit so hear me through without any complaints" I let out a chuckle.

"Not like you can but, we've known each other for about a month give or take"

"Ahem..." I cleared my throat.

"And I have some words that I would like to register before I leave"

"I know I sound like someone who is not going to return..." I jested.

"Well....that's because it's true. I won't be coming back here ever again" 

"I think I've already said this once but, in terms of your curse, you won't be able to get rid of 'Havu' until you purify your heart with holy power.

"Aaaaand.......that's not going to be an easy feat"

"Haah..." I let out a sigh.

"Only Helen Layton is capable of doing it. She's your future girlfriend by the way. And if my memory serves me right, it will take her around six or seven months to arrive at the capital"

"Probably around the time her family goes bankrupt" 

"So sit tight. Your princess charming will appear to sweep you off your boots in no time"

"You must be confused as to how I know this right?"

"That's because I am not originally from this world."

"Surprise!" I exclaimed, raising my hands in the air.

There was mischief in my eyes. This was something that I have never revealed to anyone. Not even to my parents or my grandmother. It felt nice to get things off my chest for once even if the person I'm talking to is not going to remember anything.

In fact, it made me feel secure.

"I know the future of this world to a certain extent"

"Trust me when I say this, it is not going to be all roses and unicorns" I stated in a flat voice.

"And your story begins with the death of your wife."


"None other than yours truly" I stood up and acted out dramatically.

"It's not like I'm really gonna die or anything." I sat back down

"Well...I'm supposed to but I'm not going to sacrifice myself for the likes of a total stranger.....especially you"

"I'll just disappear never to appear again. That way the story continues without a hitch"

"You get to hit it off with Helen and I get to be free"

"See. Nobody gets hurt" I shrugged.

"So you can go ahead and screw yourself with Helen or whoever you want. I don't give a sh*t about what you do after I'm gone"

"And let's be honest, we never would have worked out anyway" I crossed my legs and rested my left arm on the chair's top rail.

"YOU....." I pointed at his face with my right hand.

"You are a manipulative, cold, calculative, obsessive......oh and not to mention a sick controlling b*stard" I stressed each and every word while pointing at him.

"And I'm not someone that YOU..." I said poking his forehead ".....can control like a puppet"

"I mean it. Don't even dream about doing something like that." I lifted his chin.

"I will skin you alive and hang you like a pinata"

"Gaahh.....I'm going off-topic again" I knocked myself on the head.

"Anyway, this will be the last time we'll be seeing each other. I mean, it'll be my last time seeing you since you've never seen me and probably never will"

"Damn it. I'm talking a lot. It feels like making a confession on an anonymous website" I mutter to myself.

"Haah..." I let out another sigh.

"A few pointers for the future now. So hear me out"

I sat up straight and took a deep breath.

I started talking while counting with my fingers

"Ok. First, don't do anything that involves the Third Eye organization, they are not your enemy. The leader of that group is none other than your long-lost best friend. I don't remember his name by the way" 

"Second, make sure your lover doesn't come in contact with the Crown Prince of Velven"

"Whose name I also don't remember but, I do intend to find out a lot about him. Mostly so that I can stay as far away from that lunatic as possible"

"Helen attracts a lot of suitors, naturally. Again, it is a given since she's the heroine and all"

"But that bad news"

"He is more twisted than twisty noodles"

"And now I'm hungry. Damn it"

"Third, DO NOT START A WAR. All of you male leads will be up for it since you are pathetic fools. But other people have actual lives to live"

"My family lives here and even if a single hair on their head is hurt......."

"I. Will. Hunt. You. Down" I said while rhythmically tapping his cheek with my finger.

"I can. And I will" I leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"Lastly, don't be a f*ckin moron blinded by your 'true love'. It's annoying" I used my fingers and bracketed that word specifically.

"Ohh... If you plan on blasting away be sure to do it when there's no one around" I clapped my hands on finishing the speech without a hitch.

" Ahhh....and before I forget......" I stood up and dragged the chair away.

"I have a parting gift for you"

I smiled at him mischievously as demon horns popped on my head.

I took out the deadly weapons I hid in my clothes and arranged them on the side table.

Using my hands as a measuring scale, I scoped out Edward's face.

He was a perfect guy with a beautiful face and.....everything. If it only weren't for that personality.

'I guess god compensated for his handsome face with an ugly character. We can't have everything perfect' I nodded to myself.

On top of the side table neatly arranged was the makeup I swiped earlier from the dressing room when the maids weren't looking.

If worst comes to worst. I could always make a living out of pickpocketing.....hehe.

I took the makeup brush in my hand and leaned onto Edward.


"Let's put a smile on that face....." I titled my head narrowing in on Edward.

"Shall we?" 

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