Chapter 121

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Two days later the entourage reached the bustling town of Carrelem with a load of goblin remains on their back.

Unlike in Lorem, there was no need to visit the guard tower for their identities to be verified. So other than getting an entry stamp at the gates for the transport of goods, the group was free to go.

As per the schedule, the entourage would leave Carrelem after restocking and head towards Eldom forest which they had to cross before reaching the final destination, Parthellam.

Fortunately for the gang, Chief Gallahan negotiated with the guard tower and received a hefty sum of money for the goblin extermination. The reward money was split two ways and distributed among the Tullus and Nero mercenaries.

And since the Nero mercenaries were less in number, each of them got a big cut.

"Are you sure?" Ann raised her eyebrows.

"I'm sitting next to it all day every day. So yeah. I'm sure" Eugene rolled his eyes.

Ann and Eugene were standing next to each other in front of the central carriage. Or to be precise, examining the Orion relic that they were tasked with guarding.

Ever since the goblin attack, the relic had been exhibiting suspicious behavior.

Crackling and vibrations were heard from the relic during travel followed by static noises from the inside.

As the person riding the same carriage as the relic, Eugene was able to detect the changes firsthand. But the problem was there were no distinctive patterns for when the relic would activate.

When Eugene expressed his concern to Ezra, he brushed it off stating that it was impossible.

"The relic was assessed by the Velven Royal mages for safety and stability of transport before being granted a certificate. Your worry is needless" were his passive words.

Something that laid dormant for centuries to activate at a simple goblin attack was far-fetched in his books.

But that was exactly Eugene's concern.

'Something that was dormant for centuries was bound to activate sooner or later!'

Thus instead of spending the hard-earned goblin money, he recruited Ann to appease his supposed hauntings.

"No matter how much I look at it..." Ann tilted her head with her arms crossed.

"It's just a big red shiny box"

"Then check again" Eugene urged her desperately. 

He had definitely heard something though he had nothing other than his word to prove it.

"I've checked it like five times, baby. There's nothing there..." Ann shook her head and turned away.

The Orion relic was not a toy they could open up and explore for a number of reasons.

One, they were mercenaries hired to protect it. Not to vandalize the property.

 And two, there weren't any latches or holes present to open and check.

Considering that there were not any kind of openings in the metallic box, the possibility of any lifeform surviving within the compact space for centuries was slim.

"Look at the size of my ears!" Eugene huffed, causing his long rabbit ears to perk up.

"Do you still think I'm delusional!?" He bellowed pointing at his ears.

"Whoa. Whoa. Chill out" Ann's leaned back in surprise.

'What is wrong with him. Did he eat something bad today?'

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