Chapter 39

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The next day morning, Geet was at school, all the teachers were gossiping about the headlines in the newspaper with the pictures of Ajay making Geet wear the ring.

'The most eligible bachelor in town Ajay Chowdhary engaged to the love of his life Geethanjali Iyer'

Some of them go to Geet "Geethanjali is it really true that you are engaged to Ajay Chowdhary", they were the people who used to talk behind Geet's back about her life now they are back again after seeing the news about her engagement to Ajay. She looks at them uninterested and answers "Yes", they all take their seats around Geet "Wow yaar you didn't even tell us", "Yes Geet how did you even woo him yaar...he's such a big businessman yaar", "Geetu yaar how did you even meet him...and did he agree even after knowing your past", "Ofcourse not...such a big businessman he is why would he marry her after getting to know her past". Geet was getting irritated with their talks and she also had to go to class "If you are done with your nonsense talks I have a class to take", "Ohho see the attitude of Madam now that she is Ajay Chowdhary's fiancée...haan haan we'll see what he will do when he gets to know your past", Geet rolls her eyes "Why don't you itself go and tell him to get to know his reaction", "You know what I will go and tell....his sister in law Vishakha is my schoolmate...I will tell you see what he will do", Geet just dismisses them saying "Go and tell her...and please let me know what she said" and leaves from there to class.

In Sunshine Resorts Office,

All the employees were discussing the headlines, the women in the office were feeling jealous of Geet. "Yaar just 3 months it's been just three months...when did all this happen", "Can't you see she has always been special to him...he even allowed her to have her own timing", "Lucky her", "All the time late in the evenings they were alone what do you think would have happened", "Do you think this all is a sham just for the cover up of the previous headlines that occurred...come on till then there wasn't one hint about them and suddenly they say that they are in love with eachother", "Could be". When Ajay was on rounds he kept hearing all sorts of gossips going on about him and Geet, he just shakes his head and goes back to his cabin, he wanted to announce about their relationship along with Geet. For the first time he was happy to see the news about him, they had even wrote that he isn't a womanizer and always treats women with respect. Just then he gets a call from his Mother "Ajju", "Yes Maa...what happened that you are so excited", "If I tell will start jumping with joy even if you are on rounds", Now he was getting suspicious "What is it Maa?", "Me and Madhu had gone to check dates for your and Geet's wedding", hearing that he gets excited "I love you tell me when?", "Your engagement will be take place after two weeks and a month after that marrige", Ajay was literally jumping with joy "Maa...Maa...I love you and Madhu aunty so much for this", just then Anushka enters in his cabin, she was amused to see him like that and seeing her he stops jumping and looks down feeling embarassed "Maa I'll talk to you later...I have some work", he goes back and sits down on his chair "Yes Anushka", Anushka was trying her best to control her smile "Sir your sign", he keeps looking elsewhere "Leave it here and...", Anushka "I will ask Geethanjali Ma'am to come to your cabin as soon as she comes sir", saying this she leaves from his cabin while he keeps blushing thinking about their wedding dates.

By afternoon, Geet reached office, as soon as the other employees see her they again start their gossips, she goes to her cabin ignoring them, Vidisha and Kailash were waiting there for her, "Hey guys", Vidisha and Kailash look at her "Welcome welcome to be Mrs.Ajay Chowdhary", Geet blushes while Kailash starts his drama "Hayee my dream girl is engaged...what will I do now...yaar all the girls I like get engaged to someone else", Geet and Vidisha start laughing "Go and find a girl who likes you Kailash", Vidisha looks at Kailash "Now if you flirt with you Geetu na you will get kicks right on your face from Ajay sir" Kailash acts as if wiping his invisible tears "Haan haan now no more flirting with Ajay sir's fiancée". Anushka comes to Geet's cabin "Hello Geethanjali Ma'am" Geet smiles "Hi Anu how many times do I have to tell you to call me Geet" Anushka smiles "Okay Geet...first of all congratulations" Geet smiles "Thank you" Anushka "Ajay sir called you to his cabin" Vidisha looks at Geet teasingly "Go go your would be husband is waiting" Geet turns red "Shut up" and goes to his cabin.

Ajay grins as soon as he sees Geet entering his cabin, he goes near her and holds her hand and twirls her "Loveeee......", She was not sure what happened to him all of a sudden that he is so happy and excited, this is the first time she is seeing him being hyperactive, "Arreey arreey calm down Jaan...what happened", Ajay couldn't control his smile "When I will tell you na you will also go crazy like me", Geet looks at him confused "Okay calm down first and stop jumping like a hyperactive kangaroo 🦘...and tell me", Ajay again starts twirling her "You know what Love today if you call me Hitler also I don't mind...listen now...Maa and Madhu Aunty have fixed the date for our wedding", now it was Geet's turn to be excited, she was also grinning brightly "When tell me...Maa didn't tell me", Ajay pulls her closer "I'm telling you na...two weeks later is the engagement and a month after that the wedding", she hugs Ajay feeling blissful with the news "I love you Ajay" Ajay hugs her back "I love you Geet...I can't wait to get married to you Love...I hope this time passes fast" Geet looks at him "Thank you for coming into my life Jaan". Ajay kisses her cheek, she looks at shocked with his sudden action, he winks at her "If you want to thank me this will do love...but then if one gets and other doesn't get it will be injustice to the other one na", she was looking at him confused, he just kisses her other cheek, she again looks at him shocked, she was completely flushed, he winks looking at her "Get used to it would be wife...let's go we have an announcement to make".

He asks Anushka to gather all the employees, when everyone gathers he takes Geet there with him, he holds her hand in his and starts "Hello Everyone...I know you all have lots of questions seeing yesterday's and today's news...I just want to clear it all...yes I and Geethanjali got engaged...the official engagement party with friends and family will be held two weeks from now and a month later is the wedding...and you all are my family so I expect all your presence there", everyone congratulates them and leaves from there to continue their work.

#Ajeet's engagement and wedding dates are fixed. Will meet you all next in their engagement 💞
Hope you all like it❤️
I have loads of work lined up for tomorrow at office so I'm not sure if I will be able to update tomorrow. I'll try my best. Hope you all understand.
Yours lovingly

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