Chapter 14- The birth of the twins

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Harper is 36 weeks pregnant and feels giant. She makes her way into the firehouse.
"I feel like I'm going to explode!" Harper says as she walks in
"You look great honey!" Kelly says getting up off his chair and letting Harper sit down
"Why did you marry me again? I mean I look horrible" Harper says sitting down as Kelly laughs
"Squad 3, Person trapped 76th street east" The intercom says
"Go make me proud boys!" Harper shouts
She walks into the common room to discover chief riddle.
"Chief!" Harper says surprised
"Luitenent Bailey!" Chief riddle says giving her a hug
"How long left?" Chief asks
"Oh well my due date is in a month but they say that I will go earlier than that because it's twins" Harper says putting her hands on her belly
"So you will be able to make it to the CFD Galla?" Chief riddle asks
"Hopefully yes!" Harper says
It's a few hours later and Harper is still at the firehouse when she feels a sharp pain in her stomach
"Ahh!" Harper says clutching her belly
"What's up Harper? Is it the babies?" Cruz says rushing to her side
"I think so" Harper says just as her waters break
"Okay yes it is!" Harper says as Kelly rushes to her
"I'll tell Dawson!" Kelly says before Harper stops him
"I wanna go in truck! I done that with Aria and Devin!" Harper says clutching her belly
A few minutes later they load Harper into the truck and rive to the hospital. Harper is holding Kelly and matts hands.
"Why did I let you talk me into having a 3rd one!" Harper cries out
"It's gonna be okay!" Kelly says
"And it's twins!! I cant handle twins!" Harper shouts
"We're nearly there! Just hold on!" Matt says
They then arrive at med and Harper gets wheeled up. Dr.Manning checks her over and notices that Harper is getting a little pale
"You alright Harper?" Dr.Manning asks as Kelly's heart drops
"Umm I" Harper says before she passes out
"Harper! Okay we need to get her in for a C-Section! If we're gonna give her and the babies the best chance!" Dr.Manning says
"Your gonna be okay Harper! Can I come in?" Kelly asks
"I'm sorry Kelly but you have to wait outside!" Dr.Manning says as they wheel her away
"Please don't go Harper!" Kelly says with tears running down his face
Kelly waits in the waiting room with the others. 2 hours later Dr.Manning comes out of the room with a sad look on her face
"What is it?" Kelly says staring to panic
"It's umm" Dr.Manning says

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