Chapter 22- The biggest fire of the year

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It's around mid day and everyone is sitting eating until
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, ambulance 61, School fire, Chicago Academy" The intercom says
"That's arias school!" Harper says running out
They all race to the scene and can see the school up in flames. Harper rushes over to the principal
"2nd Grade! Are they out yet?" Harper says
"Not yet! There still inside!" The principal says
"Okay Truck 81 take the first floor, Engine second and squad third! Let's go people!" Chief Boden says
They all mask up and run in. Harper makes her way to the second grade classroom. She opens the door
"It's okay guys! I'm here! Is everyone okay?" Harper asks
"I think we're all okay!" The teacher says
"Great! The fire is too hot! So we're all gonna jump out of the window where an air bag will be waiting for you all!" Harper says
They all jump out but Harper notices that Aria isn't there so she asks the teacher where she is
"She went to the bathroom!" The teacher says before jumping out
Harper then runs to the bathrooms
"Aria? Honey?" Harper calls out
"Mummy! In here!" Aria shouts
Harper opens the door to find aria and her friend
"Hey it's okay guys! Let's get you both out!" Harper says picking the girls up and taking them out
Harper runs back in and manages to get a few more classes out
"Mayday! Mayday! Casey is down!" Herrmann says through the radio
"I'm coming Herrmann!" Harper says
Harper then goes to find Casey and Herrmann and finds them in a classroom
"Get the kids out! I'll get Casey!" Harper shouts
"How are you on air?" Herrmann asks
"I'm good!" Harper says knowing she hasn't got much air left
Herrmann gets the kids out and Harper discovers that Casey isn't breathing. She rips his jacket open and starts to do CPR.
"Come on Casey!" Harper says doing CPR
Minuets later her alarm goes off as she has ran out of air. Harper takes her mask off and continues doing CPR on Casey. After about 5 minutes she manages to get a pulse. She puts him over her back and runs out. Dawson runs over with the stretcher
"He wants breathing so i started CPR and I got a pulse back but you need to intubate him!" Harper says placing Matt down
"Okay!" Dawson says as she works on him
The fire is finally out and they are headed back to the firehouse. Benny picked up aria along with the twins. They arrive at the firehouse and everyone seems a little down about Casey
"He will pull through guys! He's a fighter remember!" Harper says smiling
Everyone gives a small smile then gets on with their days. They don't get any calls the rest of shift. Harper then goes to visit Casey. She appears at his door and sees him lying awake
"Hey! You look rough!" Harper says laughing
" I feel rough!" Casey says trying to laugh but it hurts too much
"And you guys say I'm bad for wanting to save people!" Harper says smiling
"Yeah well! I guess we make a pretty good team then!" Casey says as everyone walks in 
They all stay and chat until Casey stops breathing
"Get a doctor in here!" Harper shouts
All of the doctors rush in
"He's not breathing! Start CPR!" The doctor says

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