Fidelia's Secret

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Lottie's eyes stung and she stumbled, tripping on her skirts as she neared the family's private sitting room. Fidelia. I must tell Fidelia. She'll know what to do. She can fix this!

The letters and papers were safely back in her bodice, but they felt like an anvil on her chest. What had she done? How could she have allowed Mr. Farraday to trap her like this?

Without knocking, Lottie blindly pushed the door to the sitting room. "Fidelia! Please, I need your—"

She broke off when she saw William's panic-stricken face. He stood across the room, speaking to an elderly gentleman who might have been the doctor that arrived after supper. The Earl and Countess sat on the chairs beside the fire, their hands gripped tightly with anxiety.

Fidelia lay propped up on the settee across from them, her face equally pale.

"What's... what's wrong?" Lottie's voice cracked and she pressed a hand to her bodice. Did they already know? Heavens, what must they think of her betrayal?

William ignored her, speaking instead to the unfamiliar man. "What do you mean my wife is ill?"

The man smiled, patting William on the shoulder roughly. "Fret not, M'Lord, Lady Greyville is indeed ill, but in the best way."

Fidelia interrupted them, finally looking away from the fire and to her husband. "I'm... pregnant."

Lottie slapped a hand over her mouth to hide the awful choking sound that escaped. Pregnant? Fidelia was pregnant?

William's face paled at first, and then he burst into laughter.

Fidelia reddened. "You're not allowed to laugh!" She crossed her arms and her lips turned down in a pretty pout. "That's not how this is supposed to go."

William wiped tears from the corner of his eyes and knelt beside his wife, taking her hands in his. "Fidelia, you awful, clever girl. I thought you were dying!"

Lottie watched as Fidelia first snarled in defiance, and then her scowl vanished, and the expectant mother burst into tears.

"How could you call me awful? I know my ankles are swelling, but still—" Fidelia blubbered.

Lottie stared. Her fiercely independent sister was blubbering. Like a fish. It was both beautiful and horrifying.

William laughed again, tears gleaming on his cheeks as he cut off Fidelia's cries and kissed her soundly. Then he pulled back and kissed her belly, touching it so lightly that Lottie wondered if he was afraid that he would accidentally hurt the tiny baby growing inside.

The Countess squirmed uncomfortably at the sight and looked at her own husband with a deep blush. Finally, she turned back to Fidelia with the biggest smile that Lottie had ever seen on her adopted mother. "I'm so happy for you, my darlings!"

The Early nodded, his chest puffed out in pride. "A grandson to carry on my line," he said with satisfaction.

Fidelia and Lottie opened their mouths to protest, but the Countess elbowed her husband in the side. "A granddaughter for me to spoil and dote upon."

Lottie sagged against the door, emotions warring inside of her as she watched the happy, peaceful sight before her. The Countess and Earl argued over the sex of the still unborn child while William traced shapes over Fidelia's stomach and talked animatedly as if the baby could already hear him.

Happy tears burned Lottie's eyes and she turned her gaze upon her older sister. Fidelia had fought so hard for so long, caring for Lottie and Charles after the death of their father, marrying a man she at first despised, and then Fidelia had fought off a French invasion and the betrayal of a beloved friend... and through it all, she had carved out a place to be happy. 

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