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"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity." ― Paulo Coelho

++ C H A P T E R | T W E N T Y - S E V E N ++

    Elliott couldn't stand it any longer. She'd been staring at Wes for what felt like hours, now. He was out back, rolling out dough for the pies. Elliott just watched his muscular arms with fascination. The way the muscles worked as he pushed the rolling pin back and forth, back and forth...

    Wes turned towards Elliott, flicking his blonde hair out of his eyes. Elliott felt like she couldn't breathe when he smiled down at her, his mouth lifting at the corners. She felt her heart thudding in her chest, so fast she was afraid Wes would hear it.

    He leaned forward, his mouth moving but Elliott couldn't hear what he was saying. She was arguing with herself about how much she didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve love. She didn't deserve happiness


    Wes was all of the above. Elliott felt like she was in love. She felt happy. She felt like she deserved it all.

    She didn't even care anymore. She leaned forward, and while she had no idea what she was doing, she leaned forward and kissed him.

    It was short. She pulled back after pressing her lips to his briefly. She knew nothing about kissing. She knew nothing about love.

    She snapped out of her daze and then just stared at Wes. He looked shocked. He doesn't know you're a girl! Oh my god, he doesn't know and you just kissed him-

    Wes grabbed her hips and pushed her against the counter he was just rolling dough on. Briefly, he heard the bell of the door ringing overhead, signaling the arrival of a customer, but he knew they could wait.

    He pressed his lips back to Elliott's, forcefully. And Elliott had been so shocked that Wes would even kiss her back that she gasped into his mouth, which he took full control of. She could feel his fingers pressing in her sides, and she could feel the pressure of his body against hers, and she liked it.

    She grabbed the front of his shirt to pull him closer. She wanted more, more, more. The way Wes kissed her made her feel wanted. It made her feel safe. Loved. Happy.

    For once, Elliott was happy.

    Wes pulled back, looking at Elliott. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, but he didn't care. He knew this was wrong. It was against everything his father wanted, but Wes couldn't help it.

    Elliott just stared at Wes before trying to pull away unsuccessfully. Wes kept her trapped in his arms.

    "I'm so sorry! Oh, god. This shouldn't have happened. It can't happen!" Elliott was still twisting and turning in his arms, but Wes refused to let her go. He, for once, didn't want to listen to his father. All he wanted to do was lean down and press his lips to hers once more, but he knew he had to explain some things. Elliott still thought Wes thought she was a guy.

    "Elliott, I know you're a girl."

    "What?!" Elliott nearly screamed. How? How did he know?

    "My father was at your house when Anna found out, and he told me. I'm sorry for keeping it from you, but god. You would have ran if I told you I knew."

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