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"I just want people to take a step back, take a deep breath and actually look at something with a different perspective. But most people will never do that." -- Brian McKnight

++ C H A P T E R | E L E V E N ++

Brent stormed into his house, more than upset and frustrated. He just didn't understand Elliott. One moment he thought he had the pretty boy pinned, and the next moment he jumps from a moving vehicle, flawlessly.

Things weren't adding up. And Brent was dying to get to the bottom of it. He didn't particularly like Elliott, but he did feel bad for him. He was upset at Natasha, who was making it her mission to befriend the pretty boy. It irritated Brent to no end. He didn't want to be nice.

"Brent, honey, is that you?" His mother called from the kitchen, and almost immediately he was bombarded by his little brother. Barely having time to catch him, Brent swung the toddler in his arms, a smile breaking upon his face as the sight of his brother.

"Hi Eric. How was your day?"

Eric wrapped his tiny arms around Brent's neck. "Fine! Mommy and I baked cookies!"

Brent started moving towards the kitchen, the smell of his favorite kind of cookie assaulting his nose. It made him smile and slowly forget the events to the day as he set Eric down on a chair at the table.

"Hi mom," Brent bent down to kiss his mother on the cheek.

She giggled. "Hi my lovely son. How was school? You're home early - don't you have practice?"

Brent sighed, lowering himself down into a chair. "I'm not feeling all that well." It was a lie, but Brent knew that due to the fact that he had skipped, if he returned for practice he would be busted.

"Well, cheer up, I have cookies." She placed a plate of cookies in front of him with a smile. She adored her children, despite the age difference. She had Brent as a reckless teen, but that didn't stop her from loving him. It just made it so she could have a second go at raising children.

Brent smiled again as he watched Eric reach for the plate, snagging two in his pudgy hands. He could be a huge pain, but he was easier to deal with than the new baby, who was thankfully sleeping.

"Where's dad?" Brent asked around a bite of cookie, which made his mother send him a stern look about talking and eating.

"Work still. He's dealing with management issues. I hate it when he overworks, but it pays the bills. Especially since I'm not working right now."

Brent could tell it wore his mother out. The crease in her forehead showed that. Brent knew his mother was a proud woman, but not working really took it out of her. She felt bad for not contributing, but no one blamed her. She had a baby and a toddler to look after.

"Mom, things will work out fine. Dad doesn't blame you, I mean it's normal for mothers who just had a baby to take time off. It isn't permanent."

Just as he said that, his youngest sister started wailing somewhere upstairs. His mom rubbed her temples and smiled. "It sure seems like it is."

Brent watched as she made her way upstairs, wishing he could make things easier for her. He turned towards Eric and gave him a pointed look. "You're being a good boy, right? Not causing mommy any trouble?"

Eric smiled, showing off his chocolate covered teeth. "Yes Bren Bren. I am angel."

Brent smiled and ruffled Eric's hair. It was dark, like his own. A spitting image of their father, which his mom hadn't been exactly thrilled - she wanted a redheaded child, like herself. Brent could only smile, knowing that his baby sister could still grow into red hair, seeing as the baby was still bald.

Just like Natasha. The thought made Brent frown as he remembered chasing down Elliott, forcing him into the car and then watching as he tucked and rolled from the car. Elliott clearly didn't want anyone to get involved - that was painfully obvious. But, Natasha just wouldn't quit. She wanted to know more and more.

Brent hoped it was sincere and not as a source of amusement. Natasha wasn't exactly known to be the nicest to those below her, but she'd been pretty smitten with Elliott, another reason why Brent didn't like the pretty boy.

But, Brent knew he had to be on his best behavior, for Natasha. And while he knew he wouldn't bully Elliott again, given his past, he still knew he wouldn't be friends with him anytime soon. Not genuine friends, anyway.

Brent wanted to know what was up Natasha's sleeve. Why she was suddenly interested in the pretty boy.

"Bren Bren, come play!" Eric was tugging at his sleeve, pulling him away from his thoughts. He wanted to know so badly, but it would have to wait. He had a younger brother to entertain.

* * *

Natasha snapped her fingers as she walked into her house. Her personal butler arrived right beside her, his hand out to take her heels. "Good afternoon, Miss Natasha."

Natasha waved him off, saying nothing as she raced upstairs to her bedroom. She slid right into her desk chair, ready to crack the case of Elliott. She typed his name into her search browser on her computer, and leaned back, a smile on her face.

What popped up most certainly surprised her. She clicked on the first link, and read the article. It was documents on a lawsuit, one that had a very vague statement that gave nothing away but the fact that Elliott's mother was demanding custody over her children.

Natasha clicked on another link. It was his documents from the foster care, and showed various pictures of his siblings and himself, as well as various pictures of scars that ran up his arms and legs. Elliott stood against a white wall, wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and shorts, the complete opposite of what he usually wore. She could see the beginning of tattoos running up his arms, but they were hidden by the shirt sleeves.

She looked at his brother, Adrian. She'd seen him around school before, but paid him no attention. He was taller than Elliott, and bore less scars but held the same trapped expression.

Then, Natasha moved towards his youngest brother. She'd never met him, so looking at the child brought no emotions to the surface. She noted he was smiling and bore no scars. He looked like a happy child, one that didn't come from an obvious abusive family.

Natasha clicked out of that link, and clicked another. It was an old news article. Natasha leaned closer to the screen, her eyes widening as she took in the information.

Two year old Elle and Elliott Matthews were abducted from their home on January seventh. After searching for two months and finding no leads, Elliott stumbled into the police station without his sister. After a more extensive search, Elle Matthews' body was found in the Okama river on April twenty-third. The service will be held next Tuesday, on the Twenty-sixth.

Natasha fell back against her chair, her heart thudding painfully in her chest. No wonder Elliott was so messed up - not only did he come from an abusive family, his twin sister had been killed when he was a little child.

Natasha reached for her phone. She had major gossiping to do.

* * *

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