Chapter 14

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Kentucky should be in the your f ed part because it's flipping cold

Molly's POV

there was blood coming from my foot and I screamed in pain

Hayes came running down the stairs

He saw me and I was about to fall over

I was holding onto the couch but my arms gave out. Before I could hit the ground Hayes caught me and picked me up

"Shhh shhh it's ok" he said holding into me

He brought me into his room then into his bathroom and sat me on the counter

He looked at it and then looked at me

"You have a little bit of glass in your foot but I can get it out with pliers" he said and grabbed them and started to pick out the pieces

I winced in pain and he gave me a sympathetic look

He was done and he bandaged me up and then picked me up

He sat me on his bed and then looked at me

"I'm so sorry, I can't believe I didn't see the glass, oh gosh Taylor is going to kill me" he said flipping out

"Hey hey hey it's ok, I'm fine now" I said even tho it stings

"Will I be ok for cheer tryouts tomorrow?" I said

"You should be but it might hurt a little and if it starts to bleed just put more bandages on it" he said and I nodded

I laid back and started to think

"Hayes I'm hungry" I groaned

"Well then get up and get some food" he said rolling his eyes

I knew he would be nice to me for long

"I can't" I said in a duh time

"Well you need to try because I can't carry you all day long tomorrow" he said rudely and I tried to get up

I finally got up and it hurt so much, I took one step and fell to the floor and I winced

I started getting up and then finally got to my feet

"Oh I'm ok, thanks for asking" I said sarcastically

"Your welcome" he said in a I don't really care voice

"Ok then" I whispered to myself and walked out the door

After a while it didn't hurt to stand

Thank god

I got downstairs and went to the refrigerator and opened it

I started looking around but I couldn't find anything besides beer

"What are you doing?" Someone said behind me

I turned around and saw mr Caniff standing there with an angry look on his face

"N-nothing" I said

"Well it doesn't look like nothing" he said and got closer to me

"You stay out of there" he said with his finger really close to my face

"Or you'll regret it" he said and pushed me into the refrigerator............

A/N this was a really stupid chapter and I have writers block but I haven't updated in a while so I decided to but it sucked

Stay beautiful my princesses❤️

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