Chapter 20

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Hayes' POV

"Well she's lost a lot of blood but it's ok I have her blood type so I'm donating some to her but she should be fine, they stitched up everything but she will have scars" Matt said

The nurse came in and we all got up and followed them to a room and Matt started getting his blood taken

Matt kinda looked scared but I knew he would do this no matter what

After he got a pint of blood we all went into Molly's room and the nurse hooked up Matts blood to an iv and started putting the blood into her

It almost looked kinda painful

Molly started moving around and her eyes started opening

"W-where am I?" She asked

I was about to say something but Matt beat me to it

"Shhh shhh shhh your ok, your ok, your in the hospital but your going to be fine" he said and she looked terrified

I sat going to lay next to Molly but again Matt beat me to it

Matts POV

I laid down next to Molly so Hayes couldn't

After what he said to me I'm not going to let him get close to her

I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around me

"Matt when can I leave?" She whispered

"Tomorrow morning" I whispered back and she fell back asleep

"Matt is she asleep?" Nash asked

"Yeah, you guys can go get something to eat if you want, I don't think she's waking up for a while" I said

"Good, I really want a muffin" Shawn said and walked out and we all laughed

The guys followed him but I stayed back with M

Hayes' POV

As we were walking I just kept thinking

"Do you guys think its weird that Matt won't let me get close to Molly?" I asked them

"No, I don't blame him" Some of the guys said (Taylor,Cam, Carter, Shawn, Jack and Jack and Sammy)

"Why don't you blame him?" I said getting offended

"Well after what you said to him I would act the same way" cam said and just kept walking

"Whatever" I mumbled then rolled my eyes

We all kept walking in an awkward silence

We got to the food court and the guys went to go get there food but I just sat at our table

I didn't want to sit here and listen to their crap so I got up and started walking around

I saw this girl and she looked a little lost so I walked up to her

"Hey, I'm Hayes, are you lost?" I asked

"Hi, I'm Emily, and yeah, I've been walking around for an hour" she said

"Well let's go" I said.......

Taylor's POV

We were all eating our food and I realized Hayes left

I got up and started looking around

"What are you doing" Jack J asked

"I'm looking for hayes" I said and started walking towards the elevator when I heard a noise

I looked and saw it was Hayes making out with some girl.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture and I opened the elevator which made Hayes jump up and see me

"Taylor don't" he said but the eve layout doors were already shutting.......

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