Working Progress

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—5 months later—

"So how far along are you now ?"

"6 months I think. Anyway I'm tired of baby talk these days; I wanna know how the legendary Kim Jisoo is ?" I say. It's late at night, but Jisoo rang me before and asked for a smoke and a catch up. Of course, that was before she found out I was pregnant, so now it's just her smoking whilst I ask the questions :)

"I'm alright. Me and Jen broke up"

"Oh..sorry J"

"It's whatever" she puffs out smoke from her lips. I can tell she's gutted, but Jisoo has never been one to shed a tear when she's sad, in fact I've only ever seen the girl cry once and that was when her dog had to have an operation.

"It's just how life goes for girls like us" she smirks before tapping her cig free of ash. "One gets knocked up, the other gets dumped. Typical"

Lightly smiling I stare out at the empty road, not a single car has passed in the last hour, I've never known the night to be so quiet. It's nice, my life seems to be full of noise lately, voices of everyone worrying about me and the baby, busy waiting rooms for doctors appointments, alarm clocks and phone rings.

"So how are things with you and bunny boy ? Still making him and his dick suffer ?"

"Well ...I've actually decided to give him a second chance"

With widened eyes Jisoo hurries to inhale her cigarette. "Yeah ??" She questions before puffing out smoke. "So you're back together then ?"

"No. But it's a working progress"

"So what then? Have you guys slept together since?"


"Kissed ?"


"Held hands ?"



"Yeah, a lot actually"

"Is that not boring for you?"

"You know.. the old me would have said yes. But I don't know, it's actually kind of nice the way things are between us. Almost like we're a young high school couple"

"Bullshit, you fucked in high school"

"Fuck off you know what I mean"

Chuckling Jisoo just puts out her cigarette on the edge of her boot, soon taking out a second one from her pack. "And are you still staying at Taehyung's place ?"

"Not all the time, sometimes I go home for a night or two"

"And you stay on your own ??"

"No...Jungkook comes over"


"Wipe that smirk off your lips Kim"

"So you're telling me you and Jungkook have the house to your selves; and yet you still don't fuck?"

"We're taking things slow, we're not even dating—."

Dirty switch 🔞🥵⁉️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora