Fights and Sprinklers

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I was just lay there on my bed , Jimin nakedly sprawled out next to me as I stared at the clock that had just gone to 9:00pm. It looked like he would be staying over , but I didn't mind and wouldn't dream of kicking him out into the night. Plus he looked too peaceful sleeping and come on ..who would ever dream of waking a sleeping Park Jimin ?

I grab my phone and to my surprise I see a few messages from Jungkook.

I've thrown away the last of my sweater vests
Mum wasn't happy about it but I did it, because I'll admit
I actually like the new style you've given to me
Thankyou for yesterdayViolet

I sighed before texting back , despite appreciating his gratefulness I still couldn't be arsed teaching him anymore.
I could already tell he was gonna take a lot of work to remodel , and I for one don't have much effort for anyone who isn't my friend. And Jungkook isn't. He's Taehyungs. But Taehyung is mine ..and that is legit the only reason I feel the need to just suck it up and help the kid.

It's ok. Glad you like the new look
Look we can start lesson 1 tomorrow , my place 1:00pm and DONT be late
Also you may be Taehyungs friend , but my knowledge doesn't come for free I'm afraid

But. Your mother is rich ..

Prefer to make my own money still at times. I'll charge you half price for lesson 1 , and if you decide you don't wanna continue then thats your choice
Pay me. Or it's nothing


Suddenly I felt an arm pull me close before Jimins head rested on my stomach. "Why are you up still ?"

"No reason"

"Was that Jungkook messaging you ?"

"Yeah. I have another lesson with him tomorrow"

"That sucks"

"Why ?"

"I wanted to invite you to my place tomorrow"

A smirk formed on my lips along with an idea. Slipping from underneath him his head fell flat onto the mattress, my self slipping to the end of the bed. "Violet what are you-oh-oh fuck" he groaned , feeling me take his dick inside my mouth. He smirked and bit his lips , his head sinking slowly into the pillow. "You always know how to please me don't you sweet cheeks"

——Next day——

I was lazily sat in my living room , just scrolling through my phone as I waited for him. I still don't know deep down why I've agreed to teach this boy and do a favor for Taehyung—when he still hasn't given me my earphones back !!

I hear the front door open. He's here. I glance up from my phone , seeing the boy dressed in one of the outfits I bought for him. He looks good , wearing a simple hoodie and grey skinny jeans , his dark bangs down with a slight parting in the centre but only slightly. And thank god. No glasses.

"You're late again" I sigh.

"I know sorry. My mother decided to start an argument just before I was leaving—I don't wanna talk about it really"

"Wasn't gonna ask"

"So erm.." he stood before me on the couch , as if waiting for a command, I just pat for him to sit down before getting to my feet. "Lesson 1 will be fairly quick , simply because it shouldn't be hard to teach someone how to speak to a girl—but then again it's you"

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