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"Come out of the bathroom, Nate."


"Please. You can't stay in there forever."


"I'm not mad."

"Oh my god."

"Nate, I'm leaving. My mom's picking me up."

"I am so sorry, Cameron."

"Stop saying that." Cameron put his head against the bathroom door. "I know you're sorry. It's done. You were drunk. I'm going to pretend it didn't happen. It was just a mistake, ok."

"I'm so so so sorry."

"I know. Well, I'm going to go. Are you going to be ok?"

"I don't deserve to be ok. I'm going to quit school and move to Alaska."

Cameron sighed and folded Johnny's pajamas on the bed.

An hour ago, When Nate woke up next to Cameron, his eyes had just about fallen out of his head, only to slowly get glassy with terror and mortification as he remembered some of what happened. Cameron sat up, grabbed his knees and started to snort, not sure why he was laughing. Lots of last night had been so messed up, but for some reason this morning he couldn't help but giggle.

Nate's hair was literally sticking straight up.

"We didn't....did we?"

"No." Cameron confirmed.

"But...oh my god. I called you my husband."

"Yes, repeatedly."

"I told you I love you?"

"Yes, repeatedly."

"I kissed you."

Cameron stopped smiling.

"Yes, repeatedly."

Nate had rushed to the bathroom and there were clear sounds of vomiting.

It had been over an hour and Nate still was locked in the bathroom.

"I'm really going now. Bye."

Silence from the bathroom.

It felt so bizarre, to simply walk out the bedroom door, down the stairs and let himself out of Nate's house. Joey was presumably still asleep, and Mia and Nate's parents weren't home from Disneyland until tomorrow. He stood on the sidewalk, staring at the sky. It was definitely one of the weirdest nights of his life.


The 15 minute drive home with his mom seemed like it lasted forever. She hadn't said anything at first. Then finally....

"Did he use a condom?"

Cameron crashed his hands to his face.

"Mom! I did not have sex with him! He was drunk and I helped his brother take him home. I don't even like him.'

Jess gave him an exasperated look.

"Cameron, give me a little credit. You spent the night with a beautiful young man who you said professed his love for you on Halloween night. I get it! I was young once too. I'm kind of jealous! I haven't seen any action in years."



Cameron slowly opened his bedroom door. He knew he had a lot of explaining to do to Ryan. But he was exhausted and hoped the other boy might be understanding enough to let him take a shower first.

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