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It was a somewhat haphazard breakfast, everyone serving themselves from the kitchen, Leah and Mia and Manny eating in front of the TV, Diego sitting nearby on the couch shoveling in eggs and potatoes, Ryan and Nate sitting with Jess at the kitchen table while Cameron refused to sit down, eating at the sink and washing and putting away the dishes. Every now and then he would make eye contact with Ryan, but he wasn't angry. Not at all. He just bit lip when Ryan looked so ashamed. Cameron turned back to wrapping up the leftover bacon.

The kids gave each other bigs hugs at the door as they said goodbye. Diego and Manny left first, hats pulled backwards, Diego squinting up at the pale sun peeking through the October sky, gave Cameron a last cocky smirk then walked Manny out to their car.

As Mia and Leah rushed upstairs to grab Mia's clothes and the few toys she'd brought, Nate leaned against the door frame.

"Thank for having us, Jess."

"Don't thank me," she called from the table, "Thank Cameron. He orchestrated all this. Cameron! Stop fussing in the kitchen and go say goodbye to Nate." She stood up and dragged her son to the door, laughing. "He's such an introvert. This has been so good for him."

Cameron rolled his eyes at his mom and shoved her away. Nate just grinned. Ryan got up from the table and went upstairs to help the girls get organized, but also to give Nate his shot. Jess followed to put on something a little more put together than the old flannel bathrobe she was sporting.

Cameron stood there awkwardly, while Nate just relaxed against the door, biting his lips and grinning.  

"Well...I hope you had a good time."

Nate pushed off from the door to come stand in front of Cameron, looking down at him, cocking his head.

"Yeah. So." He reached down and grabbed one of Cameron's hands. Cameron instantly brought his face up flustered and shocked. Nate squeezed his hand. "Go out with me. On a date. You and me. No kids, No Ryan.  No Diego."  He spat out the name. "Just me and you. My treat. Movies, whatever."

Cameron just stood there looking up into Nate's green eyes. He had freckles running right across his nose and cheekbones. And a dimple in his left cheek. His hand was warm in Nate's.

He looked down and breathed out quickly. Then looked back up at Nate. Who grinned winningly.

"C'mon. It'll be fun. I'm cute. I'm funny. I got a hot bod. I got a car. What else do you need?"

Cameron chuckled. "Ok." he said quietly.

"Really!" Nate's eyes practically popped out of his head. "Dude! We are going to have a GREAT time!"

Ryan came down the stairs, the girls bursting by him, running outside with Mia's stuff, heading towards Nate's car. "Bro! He totally said yes!" Nate raised his hand up for a high five which Ryan slowly returned.

"Yes, to what?" Jess said, pulling her hair brush through her long brown hair, looking at her son blushing beet red in the doorway to the tall swimmer whose face lost all color.

"Dude." He turned to Cameron, hoarsely whispering. "Did I just out you to your mom?" Horror wrote itself all over his face.

Cameron just shrugged and smiled. He pat Nate on the shoulder. "Don't worry. It's fine. I'm not worried."

"Ryan has my number. Call me, ok." Nate was still whispering although everyone in the room was staring at him and listening. He walked out the door, looking back, concern etched on his face.

"Ill just walk them out. Then I'll take Leah for a walk." Ryan had monitored Cameron and Jess both during this last exchange and figured out that Cameron was going to tell Jess.

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