Part 1/End

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Hello there, Ruji here.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ We have come to an End of Part 1 of [Allea] ★·.·'¯'·.·★ 

◇◆☆彡◇◆☆彡First of all, my beautiful readers, I'm going to talk about a lot of things, if you have no intentions to bear through it, that's totally fine but don't go without reading through note about 'when I'm going to update again.◇◆☆彡◇◆☆彡

 The Gratitude Note: The foremost thing I want to talk about is; how thankful I'm to each one of you (never forget this). I'm grateful from the depth of my heart to each one of you, who have come this far. Thank you for giving Allea a chance. Each one of you has their own way of supporting [Allea], either by reading it, giving votes or comments, and adding it to your reading lists, I'm utterly appreciative to each one of you. 

The 'when I'm going to update again' note: Secondly, this is only the end of part 1, we still have a long way to go. From here (Chapter sixty-three) we will start part 2, the continuation of our dear Allea's journey. 

Here I want to talk about my reason for the mass update, so, I have been working on these chapters to end part one, in the hope to justify my incoming MIA. Before starting Part 2, I'm going to take a while off from wattpad, probably around (no less than) two months. So, if some of you guys know I changed my update schedule a while ago because I'm going to get busy in my studies, but then something -a little change happened in my life, which I'm finding pretty hard to accept (it's stupid, but it is what it is). I hope you guys understand, I can totally understand if you lose interest or want to quit reading, but I need this break and I can only promise you that (if I'm alive and well) I'll surely return before my break will reach the threshold of three months. 

The fun-fact note: After some heavy news let's lighten the mode with a fun fact (lol). So, writing Allea was a spur-of-the-moment decision, one moment I was reading something, and the next I just started writing. Last year, someone close to me was checked positive for Covid-19 and I wanted to do something that could pull me away from overthinking useless things, so, I started writing. While this, I just wrote whatever names came to my mind, without double-checking them. Later I realized how stupid I was (I read a comment that pointed out Allgaier resembles Alligator, and then also I realized Salvadge resembles Savage or salvage) I didn't know whether to laugh or cry -even though I did the former one. So, please accept that I have a pretty bad sense of naming and forgive me.

The 'who is the male lead' note: I'm debating with myself for a while whether to add this note or not but after seeing your guy's persistent comments of asking this particular question, here I go. You guys might think that I'm being ambiguous about the whole male lead situation but believe me I'm not. To put it concisely, I just don't want to name one particular person 'male lead' and set the idea in readers' minds that they and Allea have to forcefully accept him. I want to say that this story is about Allea, its focus is her life and growth -romance and love are an important part of it but not the whole point. Hopefully, you guys will live through her changes, decisions and agree with whatever she chooses for her.

The asking-a-few-questions note: So there are some things I would like your guys' suggestion on. But first, please forgive me if I have failed in conveying some of the emotions clearly, writing emotions is such a hard thing, especially when you haven't experienced them, so please accept my apology. 

Now back to query number one; should I change the main description of [Allea], it doesn't seem too unappealing, right?

(To be honest, I wanted the description to be unappealing, I wanted it to set no expectation of the story because I can't handle expectations, they give me anxiety. But, I think I did a pretty, pretty lame, and bland job at description. So, please enlighten me about your views, what you thought when you read it, and should I change it?)

I hope you guys are not facing any difficulty with grammar, plot holes, and whatever else there is --you can do your (positive) criticism here. 

◇◆☆彡◇◆☆彡If you have reached the end of the note and read through all of it, can I give you a hug? if yes, please accept my virtual hug and a wide smile. Please stay safe and healthy, I hope to see you guys soon --till I update again, Ciao." ◇◆☆彡◇◆☆彡

[Disclaimer: This work is only published on watt/pad under profile: itsrujihere. The complete rights of the work: Allea belongs under this profile and Ruji. If you're reading [Allea] on some platform other than watt/pad(Unless I, Ruji, say so) then, I'm pretty sure they are stealing my work (i.e, a site that starts with novel), please don't support the thief.]

With that, Ruji out.

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