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Various eyes watched as Allea walked through the crowd following Nicholas Salvadge's assistant. Allea was walking straight, her posture calm yet imposing as she leisurely paced and people took a step forward or backward to give her path, but she never returned them a single glance. The crowd's attention suddenly once again was moved toward Allea, she stood at a single place till now, they were curious who she was going to greet, but seeing Nicholas Salvadge assistant, they understood. He must have called her -first he personally came to greet her and now requesting her- they never knew Allgaiers and Salvadges had this good relation.

Seemingly her face was impassive and one could scarcely see a little urge to turn around and run when her gaze fell on the people Nicholas Salvadge was talking to. Allea inwardly sighed, and suddenly her eyes caught the back of Elijah standing among the people he was going to work with, he too in that instant -after noticing the whispers and crowd's attention- turned and their eyes met. At first, Elijah was a little surprised seeing Allea, but soon he too noticed Mr. Salvadge's assistant and the dead face Allea gave him, a laugh escaped his lips, knowing too well how much she hates meeting people, and now someone finally forced her to do the same.

"I'm sorry, please continue," Elijah apologized to the esteemed men around him for his untimely laugh, he tried to take a sip from his drink to hide his smile and his eyes involuntarily followed the girl who now walked past them but not before narrowing her light-brown eyes at him -giving him a silent warning for daring to laugh at her state. Her action didn't go unnoticed by the men around Elijah.

"Is that Allea Ciarve?"

Elijah nodded at Nial Delton's inquisitive voice, he was one of the directors of Salvadge Manufactures, the company who was going to sponsor him this year.

"I never thought she'd be this gorgeous, she should be a model, what's the point of doing boring business and wasting her beauty." His tone was cocky yet amusing, a mix of making-fun-compliment and deeming her. Elijah raised a brow at his words -his smile was nowhere to be seen- even other men also gave a little laugh and agreed except for one.

"Well, next time say this on her face."

Elijah gave a short comment, his tone was plain, neither angry nor offended. Elijah knew no matter what they say, they'll never be the same on Allea's face because they know she'll put them in their place and he doesn't need to defend her, she can do that herself too well. Elijah's well aware that many people are just bitter, that out of nowhere a young girl came and crossed their years of work so they have to vent it out by saying a thing or two behind her back.

Nial Delton was no different, although he works with Salvadge Manufactures, his family business was of Textile Industry, a quite famed one. Being a competitive young man, he has also worked with his father in past years, and in front of his eyes -the company who hardly reached theirs- crossed them and its turnover reached where they can't even imagine. Like others, he too was eager to know how Allea Ciarve did this and but that girl never placed anyone in her eyes. So hearing Elijah's words, his smile stiffened and men around them also coughed ineptly.

To ease the tension in the air, although he has heard of Elijah's Cohan friendship with her but still inquired, "-ahm- You're friend with Miss Ciarve?"

Elijah merely nodded, giving him a blank look.

"Very well, I hope you didn't find my appreciation offensive," Nial implied, hinting that he praised Allea looks but forgetting that he also judged her profession.

Elijah shrugged, looking straight at him, he retorted, "I didn't but she may not appreciate your words about her choices."

Nial sealed his lips, if not for Elijah telling her, she wouldn't even know but he didn't say anything and considered it best to just drop this. For him it was just a joke, not considering the fact not everyone's blind enough to nod along with his every word, especially Elijah Cohan, he should have thought before commenting on Allea Ciarve in front of him, he knew how much hard it was for even Salvadge Manufactures to sign Elijah Cohan for their car's launch in the race. So changing the topic was the best option, therefore, he again brought the focus back on the discussion of the car and its launch.

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