~ chapter 39 ☁️

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eli walters from school ~
i'll be there soon, come outside in a few mins

Casting my eyes over Eli's text, I quickly put my phone in my pocket and head over to the mirror to give myself one final look over.

Checking my hair and flicking away a few loose strands from my face, I can't help but reflect on how weird it is that I'm not dreading this as much as I thought I would be now that Sunday night has actually arrived.

I mean, when Eli had first proposed the idea, I had been worrying about our cinema trip as I know that Eli and I struggle to even have a civil conversation most of the time. But now that it's here and despite knowing that we're still likely going to end up getting on each other's nerves at least once tonight- I don't really mind it anymore. In fact, dare I say I've actually been kind of looking forward to tonight.

It sounds crazy, I know. But I think it's because I kind of need the distraction from he who shall not be named. I've actually been kind of keeping to the promise I made to myself yesterday afternoon to not think about him too much. Even without specifically thinking about him though, my mood has been kind of low the past day or so. So I think getting out of the house for a bit and going to see my favourite movie will definitely be the pick-me-up I need.

Realising it's been a couple minutes already of me getting lost in my own thoughts, I finally pull myself away from the mirror and towards my front door. I exit the house, making sure to lock up before I wait on the pavement and begin preparing myself for what will no doubt be a mentally tiring night to come as things usually are if Eli Walters is involved.

Soon enough, Eli's car pulls up and I quickly walk over to the black vehicle. Pulling open the car door, I open my mouth to greet him as I begin to get in before the boy himself rudely interrupts me.

'What the fuck are you wearing?'

I instantly freeze at his rudely spoken comment, unsurely lowering my body to sit in the seat after a few awkward seconds of silence. I turn to face him in confusion in regards to his question, my hand now hesitantly hovering near the handle of the still open car door.

'Clothes?' I sputter, giving him an odd look.

'Yeah, I think the fuck not. Go change.' He carelessly mutters, rolling his green eyes at me and leaning back further into his seat.

'What the hell? What's your problem?' I blurt in exasperation, pausing and taking a second to purposefully slam the car door shut before looking down to scan my outfit again.

Yup, just as I thought. No, the clothes on my body have not somehow magically fallen off or changed in the approximate minute it took for to me step out of my front door and get into the car.

Why is he so offended by my outfit? I'm literally just wearing an off the shoulder black tee tucked into fitted, gray joggers with converse. In fact, the only thing I can think of is that some people would perhaps argue that I probably should of gotten a little more dressed up for the occasion. But we're going to the movies, why would I dress up just to sit in a darkened room for a few hours? And besides it's not like I have anyone to dress up for either- not for myself and damn well not for Eli Walters.

But Eli just glares at me in return, practically shooting lasers at me through his eyes.

'My problem is a lot of a things. But right now, it's you in those damn clothes.' He snipes back, casting me an evil look.

His bluntly spoken words do little to soothe the fire currently blazing within me at the immaturity and rudeness he's showing right now.

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