~ chapter 2 ☁️

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It's finally the end of school for the day and I have managed to successfully avoid Eli since lunch.

Well almost, I had seen him in the hall talking to a friend on my way to History earlier and very quickly backtracked in my steps before he could spot me too. I had decided I would rather take the longer path to get to my next lesson even if it meant I risked being late. Getting a detention after school seemed more attractive than having to face Eli at the time.

I had already bid goodbye to Asha and Piper. Piper is the only one of us who drives, and usually she drives Asha too since her house is on the way home. She's always offering me a ride too despite me living in the opposite direction to the two of them. Most times I decline since I'm fine with walking home as it's only about 10 minutes away anyway. Unfortunately today is one of these days I wish I was being driven home but Piper had cheer practice till late and so when the last bell rung, we all said goodbye before departing ways, Piper rushing to the girls changing rooms and Asha running to get the bus.

I had decided to use the restroom before leaving school. And even though I'm pretty sure Eli isn't going to be lingering outside for me, I still am making sure to take my time. Because even though I frankly don't think he cares enough to hassle me outside of school time, it's still better to be safe than sorry, right?

I sigh to myself, rolling my eyes at my paranoia as I finally exit the school, among my way down the steps. Even if I have only taken like ten minutes extra to leave, there is no way he would-

I freeze when I spot the devil himself in the far end of the carpark in front of the school, leaning causally against his car and looking down at his phone, as if he is waiting for someone.

Oh no, he is definitely waiting for me.

I quickly duck behind a car, hoping to god he hasn't seen me. Is he seriously going to stand there and wait for me when he could be at home right now?

This is fine I try and reassure myself, I can totally get out of here before he sees me. My eyes dart around my surroundings trying to formulate an escape plan as I stand still, crouching down slightly so Eli won't see me. I don't dare to try and peek around the car I am hiding behind in fear he will see me.

I'm okay, if I just stay crouching until I can leave the car park there's no way he would see me, thankfully there's still a fairly decent amount of cars left parked for me to use to my advantage. Besides Eli's car is quite far from where I am right now so-

'Avoiding somebody?'

I don't even have to look behind me to recognise that voice.

Within a second, I'm up on my feet, ready to run all the way home. But I don't even get two steps before I feel a harsh grip on my forearm yanking me back and I hiss in pain when Eli pushes me up against a car door. Damn him and his stupid reflexes.

'I'm quite frankly sick and tired of this cat and mouse game you've been playing all day.' he hisses invading my personal space as he leans forward, resting his hands on the car besides my head and caging me in.

'I-I don't know what y-youre talking about.' I mumble hesitantly, trying to play innocent as I stare straight ahead at his shirt clad chest instead of his face.

'Don't play dumb, I saw you in the hall earlier.' he snaps, rolling his eyes.

I don't know what to say to him so I stay silent instead. But he doesn't continue either and so it's silent for a few moments as I feel his intense eyes on me and I can just tell he's staring at me again.

'I-I need to get home.' I state nervously when a couple seconds pass and he still hasn't said anything.

'Why didn't you meet me outside the cafeteria when I asked you to?' he questions angrily, completely ignoring what I have just said.

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