「12」The Written Test

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「The Written Test」


「(Y/n)'s Pov」

Okay, it's time for the chunin exams to begin. The Jonin is front of everyone is named Ibiki Morino. I'll call him Ibiki-Sensei. And I see a bunch of Chunins too, oh! Along with Ha-Kun!

"First, you candidates from the Village hidden in the sound, knock it off. Who told you that you could fight? You want to be failed before we've even begun?" Ibiki-Sensei scolded. I mean, they did started it.

"Sorry. It's our first time. Guess we're a little jumpy... Sir." The shorter sound genin said.

'Jumpy my ass...' I thought with a vein on my forehead.

"I'll say this once, so listen up. There will be no combat between candidates. No attacking each other without the permission of your proctor. And even then, the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited. Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately." Ibiki-Sensei explained.

Hmph, those sound genin deserved that scolding. "Now, if we're ready, we'll proceed to the first stage of the chunin exam. Hand over your paperwork. In return, you each receive a number. This number determines where you will sit. We'll start the written test once you're all seated." Ibiki-Sensei said.

We all go over to get our seated numbers, I got my number and headed to my seat. I sat down, and looked to my right, to see Gaara. Oh my, so soon of sitting next to him~

"Hello there, Gaara." I greeted him. He turns a bit to face me, "Hello, (Y/n)." He said quietly, before turning back. Well, he surely need to talk more and louder... I look around me to see where my team is. Okay, I see Sakura a row behind me. Sasuke is on the right side, and Naruto and, oh, hinata are sitting next to each other. Cute.

"Everyone, eyes front. There are a few rules you need to be aware of. And I won't answer any questions. So you better pay attention the first time around." Ibiki-Sensei said. Wow, okay then sir.

"All right. Rule number one is this. The written part of the exam is conducted on a point reduction system. Contrary to what some of you my be used to, you all begin the test with a perfect score of 10 points. One point will be deducted for each answer you get wrong. So if you miss three, your final score will be 7." Well, if Naruto miss ten, he'll get a zero...

"Rule number two. Teams will pass or fail based on the total scored of all three members." Ibiki-Sensei said, making some people tense. "What? Wait a second! You're saying we all get scored as a team?" Sakura fumed. Sakura, he clearly said we shouldn't ask questions...

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