Chapter 2: The girl with blonde hair

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Eren's POV

Eren sat up looking around. He looked up, down, right and left, but couldn't find anything. Eren started to feel uneasy until a grunt came from his back

He looked at his back and saw the whole 104th cadet corps behind him, each of them knocked unconcious. He stood up and walked over to the two people he cared about the most, Armin and Mikasa.

"Armin! Mikasa!" He shouted while shaking the both of them

Armin gave a little grunt then opened his eyes

"Eren?" He said in a small voice "What's going on?"

"I don't know Armin!" He said while shouting "All I remeber is that there was a flower on the captain's table, then I'm- ......we're here!"

Armin looked at him then the room. The room looked like a locker room, there were five closets in the corner, each of them with name initials (example: Sophia B.)
He looked at the people behind them, then shook Mikasa. Mikasa woke up in a jolt, she looked at her environment then at Armin and Eren

"Where are we?!?" She said while looking around. With her shout to the two of them, one more trio woke up

"What's going on?!?!" Asked Annie with her eyes wide open from her deep slumber

"Who knows" said Eren while looking at her, shrugging his shoulders

All of them were all shocked and calm, staring at each other at the same time while the door shot open. A girl with blonde hair and forest green eyes looked at them with the expression of seeing a ghost


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