Chapter 5: Is your mom, Annie Leonhart?

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Alumina looked at Annie deeply with her ocean blue eyes, she looked at the others too her eyes serving like an x-ray then going back to her book

"Haha, you remind me of someone" said Eve looking at Annie

"Really?" Said Connie "Who else is moody and sweet inside like Annie?" Looking at Annie to Eve

"Annie?" Aske Eve raising an eyebrow "They have the same name"

"Wait really?!?" Said Connie looking really proud "Now that's a coincidence"

But Armin didn't look to convinced, everyone was really enjoying Eve and this place but something was bugging him. How can there be a woman with the same name as Annie and same attitude? And most importantly, Eve looks a little like Krista"

"Can you tell me something about this Annie?" Asked Armin with his face serious

Everyone looked at him weirdly, even Eve and Alumina

"Uhmm, she's my Aunt Annie, Alumina's mom" said Eve

Armin looked at Alumina then the book and saw the date it was made. It was November 13th of 2012. Armin's eyes widened, they were in the date of 1900 or even more deeper, he looked at Hange, and she has the same look as Armin. Armin was thinking really hard while the others talked, until realization struck him, they were in the future! And Alumina is Annie's daughter.

"Is your mom..." said Armin suddenly " Annie Leonhart"

Alumina looked at him, also everyone, they were weirded out by Armin, until Alumina nodded. Armin was shook and so was everyone

"W-wait, so your saying..."
"We're in the......"

All of them were thunderstruck until two boys entered the tent with suspicious faces

"YOU FINALLY SOLVED IT!!" Said one of the boys

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