Chapter Thirteen

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I walked out of my bedroom door right as Erick was passing by. He stopped short and bowed low with his hand against his heart. He had changed into a uniform of silver and black which made his silvery hair seem to glow. The uniform had a short silver cape that buttoned at the neck and shoulder, embroidered with black runes. Silver buttons traveled down the black jacket which was tapered to his narrow waist. His black pants were tucked into boots of the same color that fastened with silver buckles. 

"Erick," My mouth felt stiff as I turned to him. I would not admire the traitor. I would not.  I'd noted his face was uninjured and beautiful as ever, dang it. "Glad to see you've healed so quickly." No, I wasn't.

Still bowing, he said, "Thank you, My lady."

I raised my brow at his new formality. "Were you going to Luke's office as well? A man was in my room."

He straightened then stepped closer to me to scrutinize me from head to toe. "A man? Did he do anything to you?" 

As he was too close now, I stepped back. His nearness made me yearn for childhood memories and that tore at my heart.  "No. He just wanted to ask me if he could be in my court. I didn't give him an answer yet." I fidgeted, wondering if I somehow had. He didn't look disappointed before he'd disappeared.

"My Lady, Master Luke is waiting," Beth said as she walked up the steps. Erick froze when he heard her voice then spun to face her.

"Beth. What are you doing here?" There were no honorifics when talking to her, just the tones of an angry friend.

I backed up so that I could observe them both. If this woman was someone, Erick knew well, and if he was surprised, then she must have been someone he knew from Earth. And, if that was the case, then that meant she would be a pivotal person to learn who was instrumental in my childhood betrayal. Beth was bright red and staring back at him defiantly.

"The Elect chose me to be a banmuinen." She shrugged as if I'd left her no choice, and her tone was challenging. She left out the why and how for her presence, which made it seem like I somehow spirited her to this mansion on my own.

His glare went to me, "What are you planning, My Lady?"

"Planning?" Really. He would immediately start blaming me? Oh I see.  "The only thing I'm planning is how to get out of this place. The ladies asked me, and I said yes. Elsie told me they all were honored — a better job and all that. Beth could have said no." Both of my brows shot up.

His focus returned to Beth, who folded her arms and looked away.

"Her banmuinen!" He sounded accusatory, and that just had me more intrigued.

"What's this about?" I asked.

After glaring at me once more like he wasn't convinced that I hadn't masterminded this, he smacked his hand on the top of the banister, then stormed down the stairs. I heard the front door slam. I peered over the rails and saw that the foyer was empty. That was fast. Forty steps and thirty feet of marble stood between us and the door. It had taken only a minute.

"Tell me what that was that about." I slanted my gaze at Beth.

She was trying hard not to cry. Her eyes were red, and she was clenching her bottom lip between her teeth. She shook her head.

"We would all like to know," Elsie said, her voice grim as she put herself between Beth and me, "If you came here under pretenses to harm the Elect, we would punish you."

From the obstinate clenching of  Beth's jaw, I knew she would not share.

Elsie turned to me, stunned by Beth's rudeness, "I am so sorry about this. I'll make sure we remove her."

The Story of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon