Chapter Fifteen

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As we left the kitchen, I studied Luke's face from the corner of my eye. I noted the faint dark circles under his eyes and brackets around his mouth and realized all of this must be difficult for him too. But, I had questions about Emerlee.

"What's all this about Emerlee and those men? "

He stopped and faced me, "It might be strange to you, My Lady, but in our world, it is not uncommon for a lady to take many men as her husbands. However, there are still rules, and Lady Emerlee broke them."

 "I don't find it all that strange. There are countries in our world where it's the opposite, and I just find it sad. Where's the respect you deserve? You're the regent."

We entered the other hallway and went down a long spiral of steps. Rough gray stone made up the walls and steps, and it didn't look too inviting.

He held his hand out at the bottom step, and I took it.  "I do not need anyone's respect or regard but yours, My Lady."

 I coughed. I felt sorry for Luke, but he got me here by kidnapping me. "Sure, that will happen."

"My Lady, not doing so will mean that someone more unsavory may stake a claim to be your royal consort, replacing me."

I tried to imagine someone more unsavory. Parson came to mind. I didn't like the hungry look he'd given me, and the thought gave me goosebumps. Still, I put on a display of weak bravado.

"Shouldn't you have more respect for me? I mean, if you're going to be part of my court, doesn't that mean you'll work for me?"

He laughed in surprise, and I found he looked more handsome when he smiled. His sharp eyes softened, and crinkles formed at their corners.  "Not exactly, My Lady. A member of your court is something more than an employee. You would have all my respect and adoration if I become your royal consort, but I am not yours yet.  Am I, My Lady?"

I scoffed. "You sure make a lot of assumptions, don't you? I never agreed to make you my husband."

He looked smug. "I find I am not often wrong, My Lady."

"Yeah? Well... I think I'll surprise you too." I drew myself up to my impressive five-foot-two.

"I am sure you will, My Lady." He bowed but not fast enough to hide his smirk. Jerk.

After we finally got to the end of that long staircase, I realized he got the last word, which made me scowl. There was a door with bars at the bottom of the stairs' landing, and Luke pulled out a key and fitted it into the lock. Another hallway appeared when we entered through the doorway, and it smelled musty with dust, sweat, and fear. The torchlight was dim, but I could make out jail cells on each side.

"Who's there?"

That was Dominic's voice!

"What the heck?" I cried as I ran in the voice's direction. Then I saw three huddled shapes in the last cell on the left. Although I couldn't see their faces very well, I knew it was my friends. "Guys! Are you okay?"

"Adrian is still unconscious."

That was Luis. I felt some relief that Adrian was alive but worried that he was still unconscious.

I squared off against Luke, all of my budding goodwill evaporating. "How could you leave Adrian in a cell overnight when he's so hurt? What kind of monster are you?"

Luke stepped closer to me. "Monster enough that I will not risk the safety of my charges within my home, My Lady. I do not know your friends, and you came here under duress. We have healed Adrian in his body, but such a grave injury causes mental trauma. If you bother to notice, the cots in the room are hardly dungeon issues, and there is a cold pitcher of water on a table between the beds. In fact, we recently fed your friends."

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