Chapter 31

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Khushi's POV

He stopped in front of one room and  opened the door. He didn't go inside the room.

"So, wifey, today onward, this is your room," he said and stood aside.

I entered the room and glanced inside. It was a small room, but it was very dirty. It looks like a store room. There was only one table, one chair, and a small cupboard. No bed.

I think even the storeroom at my house is bigger than this room.

"And, yes, don't think that this room is dirty because I don't think your house is cleaner than this," she said, smirking at me.

What does he think of himself?

"God has given you enough money, but that doesn't mean you will show your money power to the people who don't have money. If God knows to give, then he also knows to take it back and remember one thing 'you can't buy real happiness with your money'. I agree that I am not rich like you, but that doesn't mean you will taunt me. And you know what, my whole house is cleaner than this room," I said, looking straight into his eyes. His every word hurts me. I just wanted to go somewhere and cry.

"Ohh, so you have a house also? Sorry, I thought you were leaving on the  street," he said, acting surprised, and he started laughing.

"Today, I thank God for not making me rich like you. Otherwise, I would have become a heartless person like you!" I raised my voice, pointing my index finger at him.

He grabbed my arm tightly. "DON'T! I repeat, DON'T ever try to talk with me in that tone." His eyes were showing anger and hatred.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks like a river.

"Do you understand?"
His grip was so tight that I think it will leave a mark on my arm.

"Leave my hand, Shourya. You are hurting me," I said while trying to leave his grip.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He shouted, and I nodded my head.

"Save your tears. I will give you more occasions to shed your tears," he left my arm and said.

His family is so nice, then why is he like this? His mom said he also has a good side, but since I met him, I have seen only his bad side. Will I ever get to see his good side too?

Get used to it, Khushi. This is your life now.

"Oh, wifey, In which world?" He snapped his fingers in front of me. "There are more surprises waiting for you. Now just take rest and make yourself ready for more surprises." He smiled wickedly and left from there.

Duffer.... monster.... devil

I reviled knowing that I don't have to live with him in his room. I wiped my tears and glanced at the room.

Everywhere there was dust, and spider webs were hanging on the ceiling and fan.

I opened the other door, which was on the left side of the room, and as soon as I opened that door, fresh air entered the room.

Thank God, at least  the balcony is there.

Ok, now I have to clean this room. I am thankful that he gave me a  separate room to live in.

I started keeping all the unnecessary things aside.


I looked back. Jenny was standing at the doorway.

"Khushi, I will do that. You go and sit," she said, giving me a sad smile.

"It's ok, Jenny. You go. I will do it." 

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