Chapter 47

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*Prajyot Patel is Ritik Patel's father.... khushi calls him Patel uncle.

Writer's POV

Shourya parked his car in front of Khushi's house. On the way, many questions were running through his mind, and he wanted answers.

He rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, Urvashi opened the door, and she was surprised to see Shourya.

"Hi, mom," Shourya hugged her.

"Shourya, how are you?" She hugged him back.

"I am fine, mom."

Urvashi was looking behind him to see Khushi, but not seeing Khushi, she asked in dissapointment. "Khushi didn't come?"

"Actually, mom, I wanted to talk with you about something. She doesn't know that I have come here."

"What? Is she fine? Has something happened to her?" She became panic.

"Mom, mom, calm down. Nothing happened to her. She is perfectly fine." He said holding her arms.

"Ok, you sit here. I am bringing something for you to drink." Urvashi got up to go, but Shourya held her hand.

"Mom, I don't want anything. I have some questions, and only you can answer them."

Urvashi's brows furrowed, but she nodded and sat beside Shourya.
"What questions, Shourya?" She asked politely.

Shourya took a deep breath and said, "About Khushi's father's death."

"Why Shourya? Is my daughter fine? Did she harm herself? Tell me, Shourya," she asked, grabbing his hand. Tears formed in her eyes.

"Mom, calm down first. Nothing happened to Khushi, but-"

"But what, Shourya? tell me." She was eagerly waiting for him to tell.

"She has been having nightmares since Divya accused her. She cries and shouts in her sleep, saying 'leave my dad," "leave me," don't do that," "sorry" and many more. It's become difficult to calm her. Those nightmares don't allow her to sleep peacefully.........." Shourya told her everything except that suicide thing because she is also not well now and if he tells her about Khushi's suicide attempt, she will feel tension.

"So, it started to haunt my daughter again," she started crying.

"Mom, Please don't cry. I will help Khushi. Can you tell me what happened to her dad and why she is saying that she is responsible for her dad's death?" He asked.

He was curious to know why Khushi behaves like that.

She wiped her tears and took a deep breath before starting, and then she started telling him.


It was 5th July 2012.
Khushi was crying badly. She wanted to go to meet Ritik, and it was also his 19th birthday. He was not in the city because he was attending college from his uncle's house, and now he only came home to celebrate his birthday.

It's been 5 years since she hasn't met Ritik, and now that he is come to the city, her mom and dad are not taking her to meet him.
After celebrating his birthday, he had to go back to her uncle's house, and she didn't know when he would come back. So, his birthday was the best opportunity for her to meet him.

"What happened to my baby girl?" Her dad, Nilesh, came and sat beside her. "Why is my baby girl crying?" He asked, stroking her head.

"Dad, please I want to meet Ritik. It's been five years since I have not met him," she said between her cries.

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