Chapter Six: The Subordinates

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A/N: If you've read previous chapters before this chapter was published, I've modified the story setting so that To'kustars and humans both "magically" speak the same language (queue the overused trope). This is to help with the plot in later chapters. For now I have/will remove all references of language barriers from previous chapters. This notice will also be removed in the future. Thanks for reading! Now back to the story.

Sengok holds the conference room door open as he welcomes you and Kai'shu in. The well-lit room looks just like an exact replica of a typical conference room you'd see in any workplace. It's as if someone simply took the arrangement of one then scaled it up, and reasonably so since humans working as architects here just take inspiration from their old world as they see fit. Really why reinvent the wheel when most designs would work just as well for To'kustars, given that our anatomies are so similar if one just ignores the size for a moment.

The room comes with the standard equipment you anticipate, such as a conference desk, chairs, a whiteboard etc. Of the eight seats you see, two were occupied. Both occupants stood up when the three of you entered the room. Sengok introduces them to you, "So here are the rest of our starting crew, Iura and Urzea--"

Before Sengok could even finish his sentence, the To'kustar whom Sengok introduces as Iura excitedly comes up to you. He puts his face up close to examine you. You guess this is apparently something that is natural to To'kustars, given now that it has happened twice already. Perhaps Kai'shu didn't do this, either since it's not his first time seeing a human, or that he understands that it isn't particularly comfortable for the human to be inspected by a giant this up close.

No longer taken by surprise this time. You stand up and wave at him, not sure which of the two giant orbs that are his eyes to look at since they are so far apart with his face up close. You can almost describe his facial expression as a child intently studying a new animal at the zoo, if a child can be the size of building that is. Moments pass without him saying a single word. Just as things are about to get awkward, he said, "I hope you don't find this rude, but can I please hold you?"

Completely not expecting this request from an employee you literally just met, you look back up at Kai'shu for answers, who gives you the look of "it's up to you". You don't have the courage to say no to Iura, not just because of his imposing form, as if you would be punished if you refuse. Considering that you'll have to be supervising him for the next few weeks, you don't want to give a bad first impression by rejecting his very first request.

Despite humans having lived amongst To'kustars for years by now, most just stay within the human district to conduct whatever interstellar business they are here for. And even though those that voyage to To'kust are a special kind of mad lad when it comes to them being willing to visit a planet inhabited by giants, most are still hesitant to interact with their towering counterparts. So besides the minority of To'kustars whose occupation requires them to work with humans in person, most To'kustars have never been in close proximity to one.

You are not sure what to expect from this ask. You assume that if he just wants to hold you, something that simple doesn't require training right? Looking down at your own palm, you quickly visualize yourself holding a tiny of the same proportion corresponding with the average To'kustar and human size difference. 

Yeah, it can't be that bad. Can't be too difficult for him to hold something so small and conveniently sized right? you thought to yourself while imagining how small a human would be on your palm if you were the bigger one.

"Yeah, sure," you said reluctantly.

Iura was visibly excited as his face brightens up when you agreed to his request. He places his palm flush with Kai'shu's and waits for you to climb on. The light bump as the hands come into contact jolts you as the momentum transfers into the palm you are on. You imagining holding a miniscule creature is one thing; actually appreciating the size of the stranger's hand as it approaches puts a whole new perspective that you didn't anticipate. The force of the collision when the hands meet only adds to your awe, despite being an imperceptible bump to the owners. Simply visualizing a tiny in your palm does not carry anywhere close to the emotional shock of actually being that tiny in someone else's palm. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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